President Biden released his FY2023 Budget Proposal requesting $71.9 billion for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), about $6.2 billion more than what was enacted in the FY2022 spending bill. The administration seeks significant increases in funding to expand rental assistance and increase affordable housing supply and opportunity for homeownership. However, it also proposes funding levels for some key programs that would represent a decrease from their FY22 levels.
The President’s budget also proposes creating a Housing Supply Fund, a new $35 billion mandatory program to provide resources for State and local housing finance agencies and their partners to provide grants, revolving loan funds and other streamlined financing tools. This includes $10 billion in grants to advance State and local jurisdictions’ efforts to remove barriers to affordable housing development, including funding for housing-related infrastructure
Mandatory spending includes entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicare while discretionary spending is subject to annual fluctuations determined by Congress. Moving funding for affordable housing to the mandatory side of the budget has been a longtime policy priority for NYHC. We are excited to see the administration embracing this approach and hope it signals a true long term commitment to addressing the affordable housing crisis.
Rental Assistance: The bill proposes $15 billion for Project Based Rental Assistance and $32 billion for Tenant Based Rental Assistance. $1.6 billion is for incremental vouchers for 200,000 additional households, including those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness or fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking.
This represents a major increase from the $200 million to expand vouchers to 25,000 households in the FY22 enacted budget and would be a major down payment towards universal rental assistance.
Public Housing: The bill funds public housing operating at $5.06 billion, a $4 million decrease from the FY22 enacted budget. $3.72 billion is requested for public housing capital, which includes: $3.2 billion for the Capital Fund, $300 million to improve energy or water efficiency or climate resilience, $60 million to prevent and mitigate other housing-related hazards, such as fire safety and mold, $40 million for emergency capital needs and $25 million to address lead-based paint hazards.
While there is a small decrease in the proposed operating budget for public housing, it would also go to about 25,000 fewer public housing units requiring formula funding between FY2022 and FY2023 due to PHAs utilizing tools such as RAD. It is unclear at this stage how it would impact operating funding for NYCHA.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC): The budget proposes a change to LIHTC to allow allocating agencies to give nongeographic basis boosts to bond-financed affordable housing if it is required for financial feasibility. For more details on this proposal see analysis from Novogradac.
Key HUD Programs: The bill proposes $3.8 billion for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, including $195 million to spur equitable development and the removal of barriers to revitalization in 100 of the most underserved neighborhoods in the United States.
$1.95 billion is proposed for the HOME Investments Partnerships program (HOME), an increase of $450 million from the FY22 enacted budget. The administration estimates over time this funding will result in the production of approximately 41,000 units of affordable housing and support over 15,000 low-income households with tenant-based rental assistance. This request includes a $100 million set-aside for a FirstHOME Downpayment initiative to expand homeownership opportunities for first-generation and/or low wealth first-time homebuyers.
Additionally, the budget requests $15 million in credit subsidy for a new Home Equity Accelerator Loan (HEAL) Pilot program. The HEAL program would offer new loan products to increase access to homeownership and facilitate faster accumulation of home equity for first-generation and/or low-wealth first-time homebuyers.
$966 million is requested for the Section 202 Housing for the Elderly program and $287 million for the Section 811 Housing for People with Disabilities program. These are decreases of $67 million and $64 million from FY22 respectively.
The budget proposes $3.6 billion for Homeless Assistance grants an increase of $363 million over FY22. This funding would support more than 25,000 additional households, including survivors of domestic violence and homeless youth. Of this, $82 million would be set aside for additional Youth Homelessness Demonstration Programs (YHDPs).
While we hope to see a normal appropriations process this year, often Congress misses deadlines and passes continuing resolutions with flat funding, particularly in election years. We will continue to advocate for the greatest possible investment in affordable housing both in appropriations and in any reconciliation bill that moves forward.
Read a detailed analysis from NLIHC here.
President Joe Biden released his first skinny budget in April. The 2022 discretionary request includes $68.7 billion for HUD, a $9 billion or 15% increase from the 2021 enacted level. Housing priorities are linked to goals of tackling climate change, racial justice and inclusive economic growth.
The request communicates a strong commitment to housing. However, we will withhold our analysis until more details on both his FY22 budget proposal and infrastructure plan are released. Both are expected later in April.
Here is a summary of the request:
- Expands Housing Choice Vouchers to 200,000 Additional Families. The Housing Choice Voucher program currently provides 2.3 million low-income families with rental assistance to obtain housing in the private market. The discretionary request proposes $30.4 billion, a substantial increase of $5.4 billion over the 2021 enacted level, to maintain services for all currently assisted families and expand assistance to an additional 200,000 households, prioritizing those who are homeless or fleeing domestic violence. This funding also includes mobility-related supportive services to provide low-income families who live in racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty with greater options to move to higher-opportunity neighborhoods.
- Makes Significant Investments to End Homelessness. To prevent and reduce homelessness, the 2022 discretionary request provides $3.5 billion, an increase of $500 million over the 2021 enacted level, for Homeless Assistance Grants to support more than 100,000 additional households, including survivors of domestic violence and homeless youth. These resources would complement the $5 billion for emergency housing vouchers provided in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which will also assist those who are homeless and at-risk of homelessness.
- Modernizes and Improves Energy Efficiency, Resilience, and Safety in HUD- Assisted Housing. HUD-supported rental properties collectively provide 2.3 million affordable homes to low-income families. The discretionary request not only fully funds the operating costs across this portfolio, but also provides $800 million in new investments across HUD programs for modernization and rehabilitation aimed at energy efficiency and resilience to climate change impacts, such as increasingly frequent and severe floods. These retrofits would help lower the costs and improve the quality of public and HUD-assisted housing while creating good-paying jobs. In addition, the request includes $3.2 billion for Public Housing modernization grants, an increase of $435 million above the 2021 enacted level.
- Increases the Supply of Affordable Housing. To address the critical shortage of affordable housing in communities throughout the Nation, the discretionary request provides a $500 million increase to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, for a total of $1.9 billion, to construct and rehabilitate affordable rental housing, and to support other housing-related needs. This is the highest funding level for HOME since 2009. In addition, the request provides $180 million to support 2,000 units of new permanently affordable housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities, supporting independent living for seniors and people with disabilities.
- Invests in Affordable Housing in Tribal Communities. Native Americans are seven times more likely to live in overcrowded conditions and five times more likely to have plumbing, kitchen, or heating problems than all U.S. households. The discretionary request helps address poor housing conditions in tribal areas by providing $900 million to fund tribal efforts to expand affordable housing, improve housing conditions and infrastructure, and increase economic opportunities for low-income families.
- Spurs Infrastructure Modernization and Rehabilitation in Marginalized Communities. The discretionary request provides $3.8 billion for the Community Development Block Grant program, which includes a targeted increase of $295 million to incentivize communities to direct formula funds toward the modernization and rehabilitation of public infrastructure and facilities in historically underfunded and marginalized communities facing persistent poverty.
- Reduces Lead and Other Home Health Hazards for Vulnerable Families. The discretionary request provides $400 million, an increase of $40 million, for State and local governments and nonprofits to reduce lead-based paint and other health hazards in the homes of low-income families with young children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies the risk for lead exposure as greatest for children from racial and ethnic minority groups and children in families living below the poverty level, and the Lead Hazard and Healthy Homes grants target interventions to these most at-risk communities.
- Supports Access to Homeownership and Pandemic Relief. The discretionary request supports access to homeownership for underserved borrowers through the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) mortgage insurance programs. FHA is a crucial source of mortgage financing for first-time and minority homebuyers, who accounted for 83 percent and 37 percent, respectively, of FHA home purchase loans in 2020. In addition, through its expanded and streamlined loss mitigation program, FHA continues to provide urgent relief to homeowners suffering financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Promotes Efforts to Prevent and Redress Housing Discrimination. The discretionary request provides $85 million in grants to support State and local fair housing enforcement organizations and to further education, outreach, and training on rights and responsibilities under Federal fair housing laws. The request also invests in HUD staff and operations capacity to deliver on the President’s housing priorities, including commitments outlined in the Presidential Memorandum on Redressing Our Nation’s and the Federal Government’s History of Discriminatory Housing Practices and Policies.
We will be looking for more details on LIHTC from the Treasury Department. At present, there is just this promise of CDFI expansion.
- Invests in American Communities and Small Businesses. To support and empower the Nation’s most vulnerable communities, including many rural communities, the discretionary request provides $330 million, an increase of 22.2 percent above the 2021 enacted level for annual appropriations, to support expanding the role of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), which offer loans to start-ups and small businesses to promote the production of affordable housing and community revitalization projects. This investment builds on an unprecedented level of support for the CDFI industry in 2021, including more than $3 billion in direct funding, $9 billion for investments in CDFIs and Minority Depository Institutions, and provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 encouraging CDFI participation in the $10 billion State Small Business Credit Initiative.
The President’s FY21 HUD budget represents a 15% decrease in spending for critical affordable and public housing programs compared to FY20 enacted funding levels. It includes the complete elimination of several impactful and proven HUD programs and insufficient funding for existing rental assistance vouchers.
Below is a preliminary analysis of the top impacts to NYC’s affordable and public housing programs. These funding levels compare the President’s FY21 budget proposal to the FY20 enacted funding NYC received from HUD. The below figures also operate under the assumption that NYC will receive the same enacted FY20 funding from HUD for FY21.
Elimination of Public Housing Capital Fund – reflects a loss of all funding – $549 million in FY20. NYCHA and its residents are in the midst of a crisis, NYCHA needs more funding not less to make critical capital repairs.
Reduction in Public Housing Operating Fund – 10% loss of funding for day-to-day operation and maintenance of NYCHA properties compared to current funding.
More than 20% decrease in Section 8 Contract Renewals – based on current funding levels, proposal could lead to a loss of approximately 9,000 existing vouchers from HPD and NYCHA programs in NYC and an additional 600-700 vouchers administered by NYS HCR in the five boroughs.
Elimination of Community Development Block Grants – Loss of $167M for NYC compared to current funding. Last year, HPD used approximately $130M in CDBG funds to enforce housing quality standards, including code inspections, emergency repairs, housing litigation, and emergency shelter.
Elimination of HOME Investment Partnerships Program – Loss of $70M for NYC compared to current funding. Last year, HPD used these funds for new construction of special needs housing (including seniors), down payment assistance, and rental assistance for homeless families.
Elimination of the VASH program, Family Unification Program, and the Mobility Demonstration.
For additional housing program funding levels, please see NLIHC’s comprehensive budget chart.Harmful Policy Provisions
Making Affordable Housing Work Act – Trump reintroduces his dangerous rent reform proposal for HUD-assisted households that the NYHC has fought hard against since he first proposed the idea in 2017. It would lead to dramatic rent increases for some of the most vulnerable New Yorkers. Public Housing residents, who are non-elderly or disabled, would face up to a 40% rent increase. Section 8 voucher holders who are non-elderly or disabled would see an average rent increase of 20%.While Congress has rejected the President’s budget cut proposals in previous years, with NY’s current homeless and affordable housing crises, we cannot afford to be complacent! NYHC will continue to fight for adequate HUD funding levels and against dangerous policy proposals, but Congress must also hear from you about the importance of HUD programs in your community or to your organization and how cuts would hurt vulnerable and low-income NYers!
President Trump’s FY 2020 budget proposal entitled “A Budget for a Better America: Promises Kept. Taxpayers First” was released today highlighting the Administration’s top priorities, of which housing definitely is not one. This budget includes $2.7 trillion in spending cuts—higher than any other administration in history and reduces non-defense discretionary spending. The administration requests $44.1 billion in funding for HUD’s Budget, which represents a 18% cut from the enacted FY 2019 budget. If enacted, this budget would seriously harm HUD-assisted households and severely damage affordable and public housing programs in New York and across the country.
Only one month after HUD reached a settlement agreement with NYCHA, in which the City of New York commits more than $2 billion, the Trump Administration audaciously proposes the complete elimination of public housing capital funds. The Administration is effectively divorcing itself of its responsibility to fund the maintenance and repair of public housing and proposes moving to rental assistance platforms like RAD to leverage private financing. However, it is not a real plan with only a paltry $100 million in RAD funding and not enough Section 8 to even maintain current use. Additionally, the budget requires that RAD funding must be prioritized for redevelopment use in Opportunity Zones, which will have limited use in New York City. Despite HUD’s Regional Administrator Lynne Patton’s spotlight on conditions during her month stay in NYCHA housing and her introduction of President Trump to Frederick Douglass Houses Tenant Association President Carmen Quiñones, this budget completely fails public housing residents. It also sets NYCHA and its new monitor up to fail. It is impossible for NYCHA to meet substantial compliance with federal regulations relating to health and safety outlined in the settlement agreement without a substantial and sustained increase in funding from all levels of government.
With $8.7 billion in proposed cuts, the President’s attack on low-income households continues with reissued proposals for work requirements and rent reforms in the Making Affordable Housing Work Act (MAHWA). These proposals would increase rent for thousands of HUD-assisted households. Despite the contradiction, Secretary Carson top budget priorities include 1) Increasing rent assistance (although the budget cuts it); 2) Continuing homeless grants (also cut); 3) Removing lead and health hazards from homes (slight increase but wildly insufficient funding); 4) A 5-year “Financial Transformation” plan and meeting critical staffing needs (lowest staffing levels reached under his leadership) and lastly 5) “The Prescription for HUD” focused on economic opportunity and streamlining HUD processes (Envision Centers rebrand existing programs). Check out NLIHC’s budget chart for a full comparison to FY2019 funding levels. Here are some HUD budget highlights worth noting:
- Public housing capital funding is eliminated and operating funds cut by ~40%.
- CDBG, HOME, Choice Neighborhoods, Self-Help and Assisted Homeowner-ship Opportunity Program are all eliminated.
- Section 8 is cut by $354 million, which means fewer vouchers to combat homelessness and insufficient Tenant Protection Voucher funding to meetNYCHA’s conversions needs.
- Homeless Assistance Grants are slightly decreased.
- While the budget boasts ~$60 million proposed increase for the mitigation of lead-based paint and other hazards in low-income homes, that number is based on the President’s FY2019 proposed budget and not the actual budget enacted by Congress. When compared to the actual enacted budget of FY2019, the proposed increase is only a mere $11 million extra nationwide.
- Opportunity Zone Technical Assistance Funding is new for local municipalities that are seeking to attract public and private investments to their communities. This is something to watch as aligning HUD programs with OZones can be potentially be problematic in a state like New York with a robust affordable housing pipeline.
- HUD’s staffing levels have declined over the last four decades from a high of almost 18,000 full-time equivalents (FTEs) in 1977 to fewer than 7,600 FTEs in FY 2018, while its budget authority has steadily increased from just under $30 billion to more than $50 billion. Surprisingly, the President’s Budget allocates $1.6 billion toward salaries and expenses (S&E), almost $56 million above the 2019 Annualized CR level. This funding will enable HUD to increase its staffing to nearly 7,800 FTEs.
- FHA lender enforcement program and down-payment assistance practices reform legislative proposals are expected to be forthcoming.
- The budget reduces the USDA budget by 15%.
- Eliminates Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund discretionary grant and direct loan programs.
- The president once again pushes for work requirements across all safety-net programs and proposes substantial changes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families which would impact homeless families and NYC’s shelters.
- The President has called upon the Congress to pass legislation that generates at least $1 trillion in infrastructure investment. His infrastructure proposal last year was described by CBPP as a “mirage”.
President Trump’s budget will cost New York State at least $1 billion and hurt low-income families. As in prior years, we expect Congress will fully reject the President’s proposal. NYHC will be advocating against these cuts and will produce more detailed analysis of impact on New York housing programs in the next weeks and as Congress unveils their spending bills.
Congress and the President were able to pass a FY 2019 budget bill package to avoid another costly and dangerous government shutdown. The FY 2019 HUD and USDA spending bills needed to fund programs through September were included in the package. The strong Congressional support for HUD programs in last year’s spending bill has been maintained into FY 2019 HUD budget. The HUD budget was increased by $1.5 billion, while USDA Rural Housing programs saw relatively flat funding.
Here are some HUD and USDA key highlights:- New Mobility Demonstration Program: $25 million for a new mobility demonstration program, $5 million of which can be used to provide new housing vouchers and rest for mobility-related services to help families with children move to areas of opportunity. With HPD launching a new mobility initiative and compelling research on improved outcomes for young children, this is welcomed support.
- HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Vouchers: $40 million for new HUD-VASH vouchers. This program has been successful in reducing and even eliminating veteran homelessness in some localities.
- Section 8: Advocates believe the budget sufficiently funds all current Section 8 vouchers and contracts. This should mean that NYCHA, HPD and HCR are all able to issue vouchers through attrition at minimum.
- Public Housing: Public Housing Operating Fund received a $103 million increase, while Public Housing Capital Fund saw a $25 million increase specifically to address lead-based paint hazards. While there was a larger increase last year, this is at least moving in the right direction.
- Community Development Block Grant: CDBG received level funding.
- HOME Investments Partnerships: HOME was cut by $11 million.
- Section 202 Housing for the Elderly: $678 million funds existing contracts and renews service coordinators, while also providing $51 million for new 202 housing and $10 million for home modifications. Last year was the first appropriations for new 202 housing since 2011. It is critical that this funding for new elderly housing continues and expands to meet growing demand.
- McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Grants: Homeless Assistance Grants increased by $123 million.
- Family Self-Sufficiency Program: FSS received a $5 million Increase.
- Fair Housing: HUD’s office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity received level funding.
- No HUD Program Rent Policy Changes that had been proposed by the Administration were included in this budget.
- USDA Section 521 Rural Rental Assistance: Section 521 was cut by $23 million.
- USDA Section 515 Rural Rental Housing Loan: Section 515 received level funding.
- USDA Multifamily Preservation and Revitalization Demonstration was increased by $4.5 million.
For a more comprehensive breakdown of HUD and USDA programs please see NLIHC’s Budget Chart.
As of October 1st, HUD is currently being funded via a three month Continuing Resolution (CR) that is set to expire on December 8th. The House also passed an Omnibus FY 2018 appropriations package in September, which included its Transportation Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill, but the Senate floor has not approved its THUD appropriations bill as of yet. Currently, it is not clear whether Congress will be to reconcile the differences between the two bills and approve FY2018 appropriations legislation before December 8th or if they will have to issue a second CR. All of the federal actions that relate to the HUD budget taken this year are detailed in chronological order below starting with release of the startling Executive budget laden with steep cuts to non-defense discretionary programs this spring that led to a furious public outcry that the House and Senate Appropriations Committee heard and allayed in their approved THUD bills this summer. Subsequently, after devastating Hurricanes hit Texas, Florida and the Caribbean, a Disaster Relief Spending Package was quickly bundled and approved with a three month CR and debt ceiling extension, and then shortly after the House approved its Omnibus Appropriations package.
President Trump’s released a preliminary budget blueprint in March and his full budget request to Congress in May, which proposed $7.7 billion in housing cuts compared to FY 2017 levels. The budget proposed increasing defense spending by $52 billion by slashing non-defense programs such as HUD assistance, food stamps, TANF and Medicaid. It also proposed the elimination of several key housing and community development programs as well as devastating Rental Reform policy reforms. In New York alone, the President’s budget would have cut more than $1 billion in housing funds statewide. Executive Budget’s Impact on NY State:
- 26,530 households receiving Section 8 rental assistance across New York State would be at risk of homelessness.
- -$409,387,940 cuts to public housing authorities including NYCHA
- -$286,644,708 eliminated in CDBG funds across the state.
- -$91,483,440 eliminated in HOME funds for low-income rental housing
- Rent burden would be increased from 30% to 35% of tenant income in a pilot impacting 98,700 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) and 14,800 households residing in Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) and Housing for Persons with Disabilities (Section 811) in New York State. Note that average tenant income for 202 households is $13,300 annually. In these buildings, owner adjustments are frozen and utility allowances are also proposed to be eliminated.
Programs Eliminated or Unfunded
- Community Development Block Grant
- HOME Investment Partnerships
- Choice Neighborhoods
- Section 4 Capacity Building program
- Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program
- National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is eliminated and Trump’s budget permits the HUD secretary to redirect these remaining resources to offset the cost of salaries, contract expenses, and technology improvements at the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
Rental Reforms (full details are linked here)
- An increase in the tenant contribution toward rent from 30 percent of adjusted income to 35 percent of gross income. The Department does not plan to implement this provision in the Section 8 or Public Housing programs in 2018, but nonetheless requests authority for this change across core rental assistance programs. The Department will implement this provision as a pilot in Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA), Housing for the Elderly (Section 202), and Housing for Persons with Disabilities (Section 811) in 2018. Hardship exemptions, as defined by the Secretary, will be available for tenants.
- The establishment of mandatory minimum rent of $50 per month, with hardship exemptions.
- Elimination of utility reimbursement payments to tenants, with hardship exemptions.
- For PBRA/202/811: A one-year freeze on annual rent adjustment increases.
- Ability of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to waive, or specify alternative requirements for, statutory or regulatory provisions related to public housing agency (PHA) administrative, planning, and reporting requirements, energy audits, income recertification, and program assessments.
- HCV program will no longer provide higher payments for enhanced vouchers. This reform would apply the same cost limitation on the maximum subsidy that may be paid under the voucher program to enhanced vouchers, but the tenant rent limitation will be waived so that families will not be required to relocate as a result of this change.
In July, after months of public outcry against the President’s HUD budget cuts, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation Housing and Urban Development (THUD) released and approved their spending bill, which cuts HUD programs by $487 million below the fiscal year 2017 enacted level. Thanks to advocacy efforts and public pressure, the House bill’s proposed HUD cuts are drastically smaller than the president’s by $6.9 billion. However, these cuts would still have real impacts on New York families. For New York State, the cuts would mean:
- ~14,000 families using Section 8 vouchers to pay rent would be at risk of homelessness.
- $330 million decrease to NYCHA capital funding.
- NYCHA expects 2,500 residents would be impacted in 23 buildings needing boiler replacement. Another 2,250 residents would be impacted at one development that would be unable to repair brickwork causing water damage.
- 11% cut to HOME funds, which help fund supportive housing development and homeownership opportunities statewide.
- 3% cut to Community Development Block Grants, including a $6 million cut to HPD, which uses funds for Code Enforcement.
- No new HUD VASH vouchers for returning veterans. House funding only covers renewal of current vouchers.
Fortunately, none of the Executive budget’s dangerous rental reform proposals were included in the House THUD budget. While the House Appropriations bill may be better than the President’s draconian budget request, the House budget fails to provide needed federal investment in affordable and public housing. The decreases to NYCHA capital funding will continue the deterioration of public housing buildings across New York, impacting the health and well-being of residents plagued by mold. HUD cuts will also exacerbate the growing homelessness crisis in New York, as housing agencies will be unable to issue Section 8 rental assistance vouchers and will have less capital dollars to create and preserve affordable homes. Additionally, proposed cuts will impact the ability to enforce housing quality standards for all New Yorkers.
Senate Appropriations Committee approved its Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations bill at the end of July. The bill provides increased funding for HUD programs: $40.2 billion in HUD funding for FY 2018, $1.4 billion above FY 2017 levels and $1.94 billion more than the House THUD bill. The Senate bill includes level funding for the HOME and Community Development Block Grants after push back from mayors across the country. The Senate maintaining and even slightly increased HUD’s funding levels are a direct result of the affordable housing community and public’s tremendous advocacy efforts showing the impact of this important and critical programs. It also like the House THUD bill did not include any of the harmful Executive budget rental reform proposals. The Senate bill allocates:
- $21.365 billion for tenant-based Section 8 vouchers ($1.07 billion above the FY 2017 enacted level);
- $6.45 billion for public housing ($103.5 million above the FY 2017 enacted level); $11.5 billion for project-based Section 8 ($691 million above the FY 2017 enacted level);
- $573 million for Housing for the Elderly ($70.6 million above the FY 2017 enacted level);
- $147 million for Housing for Persons with Disabilities (nearly $1.0 million above the FY 2017 enacted level);
- $40 million for new HUD-VASH vouchers (same as FY enacted level);
- $2.456 billion for homeless assistance programs and includes $20 million for new family unification vouchers to prevent youth exiting foster care from becoming homeless.
- $55 million is provided for grants and technical assistance to test comprehensive efforts to end youth homelessness in urban and rural areas;
- $25 million for rapid rehousing assistance for domestic violence.
In the beginning of September, Congress passed a three month legislative spending package that provides funding for Hurricane relief and recovery, lifts the debt ceiling, and keeps the government funded through December 8th. The bill’s Continuing Budget Resolution extends FY 2017 levels for three months with a 0.68% across the board reduction to keep funding under the Budget Control Act (BCA) spending caps. The legislative package also provides an initial $15.25 billion in disaster spending that includes $7.4B for FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, $450 million in Small Business Administration disaster loans, $7.4 billion in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds. In addition, the legislation also includes a provision granting a necessary extension of the National Flood Insurance Program for three months, which was set to expire on September 30th, and language to provide FEMA with flexibility under the bill’s Continuing Resolution to continue to respond to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, as well as other disasters.
On September 14th, the House then passed its FY2018 Omnibus appropriations package entitled ‘The Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act’. It is too soon to know if the Senate will also pass an Omnibus which will have to be conferenced with the House or if a second Continuing Resolution (CR) will be passed for FY 2018. While the House funding level for HUD programs remains unchanged from the House THUD bill approved in July, there were a few notable housing amendments that were included in it:
- Section 202 Housing for the Elderly amendment to increase funding for the program by $2.5 million. The increase is offset by a $2.5 million reduction to HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research.
- Public Housing Capital amendment to increase the public housing capital fund by $2 million. The funds would be offset by a $2 million reduction to HUD’s Information Technology (IT) Fund.
- Public Housing Operating/CDBG amendment would shift $10 million in funding from the public housing operating fund to CDBG.
- CDBG amendment to increase funding for CDBG by $100 million. The increase is offset by a $100 million reduction to HUD’s IT Fund.
- HOPWA amendment to increase funding for HOPWA by $19 million. The increase is offset by a $19 million reduction to HUD’s IT Fund.
- Section 4 Capacity Building amendment to increase funding for the program by $5 million. The increase is offset by a $5 million reduction to funds initially set aside for FHA administrative contract expenses.
- Sanctuary Cities amendment that prohibits HUD funds from being used for a State, or local government entity or official if that entity prohibits, or in any way restricts any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.
- Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) Amendment to shift FHIP funding designated for private nonprofit organizations toward state and local governments.
On February 9th, President Barack Obama released his budget request for FY 2017. The President called for more than $48 Billion in 2017 spending for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an increase of about $2B over FY 2016. Much of the proposed increase in spending would be devoted to a much welcomed new initiative to combat homelessness. There are also several new policy proposals, many supporting efforts to affirmatively further Fair Housing.
- NEW Ending Family Homelessness Effort– The President’s budget request proposes a bold new proposal to end family homelessness by 2020, building on the success of the initiative to end veteran homelessness. Through this effort, known as Opening Doors, the President challenged Congress to authorize $11B in new “mandatory” spending to serve 550,000 families over a 10 year period. As a mandatory program, the initiative would not be subject to the often contentious annual discretionary appropriations process. Specifically, the Administration is requesting $88 million for 10,000 new (incremental) Section 8 housing choice vouchers targeted to homeless families with children, as well as funding for 25,000 new permanent supportive housing units, and funds to provide 8,000 families with rapid rehousing assistance. If enacted, New York would be certain to receive a considerable increase in Section 8 vouchers given our high levels of family homelessness. Statewide, more than 80,000 New Yorkers are homeless including more than 23,000 children sleeping in shelters each night.
Other housing highlights from the President’s budget proposal are found below. For a detailed budget chart, see the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s website linked here.
- Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers- The 2017 budget request would fully fund all expiring Tenant Based Assistance (i.e. existing vouchers). The budget also includes $10.8 billion for the Project-Based Rental Assistance program, which supports 12 months of funding for rental assistance contracts. $2.1 billion is allocated for fees to housing agencies administering Section 8, using a new evidence-based formula aiming to more accurately reflect the actual cost of running the program and to provide low-income families greater access to opportunity areas.
- NEW Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration- $15M is requested to assist households to move to areas of opportunity. In high cost cities like New York, Section 8 voucher use is primarily concentrated in low-income neighborhoods due to the limitations of Fair Market Rent levels.This is a welcomed proposal which mirrors NYHC’s policy priorities suggesting a similar program on the local level.
- Public Housing- Operating Funds would be increased slightly while Public Housing Capital Funds would be decreased. Given the tremendous capital needs of PHAs like NYCHA, this is disappointing. The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative, a signature program of this administration to revitalize neighborhoods and transform public housing, would see a substantial increase in funding from $125M in 2016 to $200M in 2017.
- RAD- The President seeks $50 million to expand the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), another signature initiative of this administration to aid public housing. RAD leverages private capital for public housing through the conversion of operating funds into rental assistance. HUD also proposes to remove the 185,000 unit cap on the number of public housing units that can be preserved under RAD. Additionally, the budget proposes to make Section 202 Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) owners eligible to convert their subsidy stream under RAD.
- Section 202 Elderly Housing- Funding for Section 202 Elderly Housing is increased only to cover refinancing. No funding is proposed to create any new senior housing. The federal government has not funded new senior housing for several years, which is a huge failure given current demand and anticipated population growth. According to recent LiveOn NY survey, more than 200,000 seniors are on 202 wait lists for an average of 7 years. By 2040, NYC will see a 40% increase in elderly households, rising to 1.4 million seniors.
- CDBG & HOME- Unfortunately, the request calls for a $200M cut in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) which fund a wide variety of programs in New York and support HPD’s code enforcement activities. HOME funding would be maintained at FY 2016 levels.
- National Housing Trust Fund- In the request, HUD estimates that the National Housing Trust Fund will receive $136 million in 2017. This newly funded program support low-income rental housing and is allocated to States.
- NEW Pay-for-Success (PFS)- The budget proposes a one-time mandatory appropriation of $300 million for a new Pay for Success (PFS) fund within the Department of the Treasury which would fund state and local PFS contracts or Social Impact Bonds that are expected to save federal dollars. This could be beneficial to supportive housing or innovative MRT-type projects NYS has undertaken.
- LIHTC Income Averaging- The President’s proposal calls for Congress to authorize Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Income Averaging which would encourage income-mixing in projects and allow cross-subsidization to achieve deeper affordability in high-cost cities like New York. This is one of NYHC’s top priorities. Learn more about benefits for New York in NYHC analysis here.
- NEW QCT Cap Lift- A legislative proposal in this budget to remove the cap on the number of census tracts that can be designated as qualified census tracts (QCTs) would greatly benefit New York by allowing more areas to qualify for the 30% LIHTC basis boost. Until this year, all of NYC qualified for the basis boost as the entire metropolitan area was considered a difficult to develop area (DDA), which also qualifies projects for the basis boost. Currently, the population living in QCTs cannot exceed 20 percent of the population of a metropolitan area, which is problematic for dense urban areas including New York City and San Francisco.
- NEW QAP Requirement- Qualified Allocation Plans (QAPs) for tax credit allocating agencies will be required to include “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” as an explicit allocation preference. While we support this policy change, it still may not be effective in driving development in many “high opportunity areas” in NYC, where land costs are prohibitively high.
- NEW Local Housing Policy Grants- The budget proposes $300 million in mandatory funds for a new Local Housing Policy Grants program. This program will provide grants to localities and regional coalitions to support new policies, programs or regulatory initiatives that create a more elastic and diverse housing supply, and in turn, increase economic growth, access to jobs and improve housing affordability.
The President’s proposals face, at best, an uncertain future given the election year and the difficulty we have seen in authorizing appropriation bills in recent years, not to mention Congress’ demonstrated desire to cut rather than increase funding for many of these programs. Ideally, the House and the Senate will take up the HUD budget request in the Spring as part of a “Transportation/HUD Appropriations Bill”. Each chamber will put forward funding bills which will then be “conferenced” to resolve any differences and a final bill will be sent to the President prior to the end of the fiscal year on September 30th. In recent years however, Congress has not been able to agree on appropriations for individual agencies and has instead passed Omnibus “Continuing Resolutions” (CRs). We will know more about what to expect in the FY2017 budget process in the upcoming months.
The House passed H.R. 2577 on June 9th and the Senate passed their Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Bill on Thursday, June 25th. These bills, still operating under sequester budget levels, do not provide the funding for affordable housing required in NY or other parts of the country struggling with housing affordability. The only hope in avoiding further cuts this federal fiscal year would be a bipartisan budget deal to end sequester spending caps. It is unlikely that we will know more about THUD funding this year until we are closer to the end of the fiscal year in September. For a comparison of select HUD programs, please see the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s FY16 Budget Chart.
Impact for New York, varies by program:
HOME funds are significantly reduced from $900 million in 2015 to $767 million in the House budget (28% cut) and essentially eliminated in the Senate budget at $66 million with a 93% cut. Only 5 years ago, the City of New York received more than $100 million annually in HOME funds prior to the damaging sequester cuts. This funding for low-income rental housing is primarily used to build supportive housing for the homeless in New York. If the program is not funded at the President’s requested level of $1.06 billion, there would be a loss of an estimated 38,665 affordable housing units across the country.
Section 8 Tenant Based Rental Assistance
Section 8 Tenant Based Rental Assistance and Homeless Assistance Grants both increase very slightly in the House and Senate budgets. It is unclear if the minor increases in rental assistance funding in either bill will provide any new vouchers or just cover program renewals.
Project Based Rental Assistance
Project Based Rental Assistance is underfunded by the House and slightly increased in the Senate. Underfunding will be problematic for these existing affordable housing buildings.
Public Housing Capital
Public Housing Capital is set to decrease in both budgets (10% cut in House and 7% cut in Senate), adding to the mounting capital needs facing many public housing authorities.
Public Housing Operating
Public Housing Operating is flat in the House at $4.44 billion and only barely increased in the Senate ($4.5 billion).
Community Development Block Grants
Community Development Block Grants, funding an array of services and municipal functions in low- and moderate-income communities including code enforcement and emergency repair programs in New York neighborhoods, is maintained at $3 billion in House budget and slightly reduced in Senate.
Governor Hochul released her 2026 Executive Budget Proposal, which continues investment in the five-year statewide housing plan, and includes additional policy proposals and new funding to support housing supply, affordability and expand opportunities for homeownership. The budget bills can be viewed here.
Housing Supply
$1.025 Billion in Capital to Support the City of Yes (Capital)
$25 million is dedicated to rehabbing vacant NYCHA units for occupancy. The remaining $1 billion broadly supports development and preservation of affordable housing including, multifamily rental, homeownership, NYCHA and Mitchell-Lamas.Governor Hochul’s commitment of State funding was critical to helping secure a deal on City of Yes zoning reforms. NYHC strongly supports this funding. Notably, the funding is spread over 5 years. The needs of NYCHA and Mitchell-Lamas could easily take up a majority of this allocation if these programs don’t receive dedicated funding in the final budget.
Supporting Pro-Housing Communities (Capital & Aid to Localities)
A $100 million Pro-Housing Supply Fund would assist Pro-Housing Communities by addressing critical infrastructure needs related to new housing such as water and sewer upgrades.$10.5 million in new grant funding is proposed to offer technical assistance to communities looking to design and adopt pro-housing policies.
Hundreds of communities across the state have applied for Pro Housing Communities certification. NYHC supports funding carrots (we would also support sticks for localities failing to add housing).
$50 Million Mixed-Income Revolving Loan Fund (Capital) to spur mixed-income rental development outside of NYC.
The Executive budget does not include programmatic language, but this proposal is similar in concept to a program in Maryland and a bill introduced by Senator Rachel May (S00733) for a revolving loan fund to finance mixed-income projects.
Double New York State Low Income Housing Credits (SLIHC) (Rev – Part D) from $15M to $30M per year through 2029. The bill also clarifies that refunded bonds can be paired with SLIHC at the same 9% rate as certain federal low-income housing tax credits.
NYHC is supportive of increasing SLIHC even further to better meet the need.
Expand New York State Historic Tax Credit (Rev – Part E) by decoupling from the Federal credit and removing census tract eligibility requirements for affordable housing with at least a 30 year regulatory agreement. Currently the law requires recipients of a state historic tax credit be the same taxpayer as the recipient of the equivalent federal credit and limits eligibility for the tax credit to census tracts at or below the state median family income.
NYHC strongly supports this change to remove barriers to affordable housing development and allow this tool to be used to bring affordable housing in higher income neighborhoods.
Encourage Redevelopment of Vacant Properties by strengthening municipalities authority to acquire vacant, abandoned and blighted properties and expanding the 485-r tax exemption to incentivize redevelopment. The bill would:
- Strengthen municipalities authority to acquire vacant and abandoned buildings by amending the criteria to find that a vacant dwelling is abandoned. (ELFA – Part J)
- Expand the existing tax exemption (485-r) for redevelopment of inhibited property to include all localities and one to four unit buildings that are not owner-occupied. (ELFA – Part M)
485-r currently only allows a city with a population between 15,000 and 15,500 to opt into the exemption for single-family, owner occupied properties. They may exempt redevelopment inhibited property from taxation on its increased value due to demolition, alteration, rehabilitation, or remediation for up to 25 years.
NYHC supports this legislation to encourage redevelopment.
Streamline Environmental Review for Modest Housing Development by allowing certain multi-family housing no more than 10,000 square feet to move forward as “Type II” actions which do not require review under SEQR. This is a regulatory change from the Department of Environmental Conservation that is completing its rulemaking process.
NYHC supports this rulemaking change and seeks further SEQR reform.
Increased Funding for Supportive Housing (Capital & Aid to Localities)
The Governor proposes increasing funding to the Homeless Housing and Assistance Program (HHAP) to $153 million – up from $128 million, increasing the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) to $240 million – up from $210 million and increasing Homeless Housing and Preventive Services (HHPS) to $71.3 million – up from $53.581 million. At least $56.3 million of that must be allocated to the New York State Supportive Housing Program (NYSSHP).Expanding supportive housing must remain a top priority to reduce New York’s record levels of homelessness. Comptroller DiNapoli’s recent report shows the state’s homeless population doubled in just 2 years.
Maintaining Affordability
Increase Access to Insurance Captives
In her State of the State, the Governor proposed funding to provide assistance to nonprofit affordable housing owners to make repairs or take other steps needed to meet eligibility standards for participation in an insurance captive.This funding was not included in the Executive budget bills but we anticipate inclusion later in the budget process.
Captive Insurance for Public Benefit Corporations (TED – Part NN)
The bill would authorize certain state and local authorities to create a pure or captive insurance company, would expand the definition of an industrial insured group to include certain state and local authorities and establish guidelines on formation and administration of any captive insurance companies. It would also allow public benefit corporations, public authorities, and other public entities to incorporate as a group captive insurance company.This language was not highlighted in the State of the State or budget briefing materials.
Reduce Shelter Rent Taxes for Mitchell-Lama Residents (ELFA – Part L)
To help address escalating increases in insurance, utility, and taxes, the Governor proposes to reduce the share of local property taxes paid by Mitchell-Lama developments in NYC from 10% to 5% of the annual shelter rent or carrying charges and allows the rest of the state to opt-in to this reduction.
The financial stability of many Mitchell-Lama buildings continues to be a concern especially with growing capital improvement needs and rising operating costs. This proposal will have tax implications for NYC.
Ban Collusion Using of Algorithm-Enabled Rent Price Fixing (ELFA – Part H)
To protect tenants from rent increases driven up artificially by real estate management software, the bill would make it illegal to either facilitate or enter into an agreement between residential rental property owners or managers to not compete, including not competing by adjusting rents or occupancy levels based on recommendations from algorithmic devices that analyze data from multiple owners or managers.
NYHC supports this effort.
Extend Security Deposit Protections to Rent-Regulated Tenants (ELFA – Part I)
2019 laws require the return of remaining security deposits within 14 days of vacating the unit and allow tenants to request an inspection to determine what needs to be remedied to receive a security deposit back in full. Rent-regulated tenants were erroneously left out and this bill would remedy this oversight.
NYHC supports this legislative change.
Expanding and Preserving Homeownership
NYHC supports Governor Hochul’s proposals to expand and strengthen homeownership.
Provide $50 Million for Starter Home Innovation Funding (Capital) to support innovative approaches to homebuilding such as the use of factory-built and modular development and incentivize the building of more starter homes.
$50 Million for First-Time Homebuyers’ Down Payment Assistance (Capital) to help low to moderate income New Yorkers save for down payments
Create an Affordable Homebuyer Tax Incentive (ELFA – Part K)
The bill proposes an opt-in homebuyer tax incentive between 25 and 50 percent of the assessed value of a real property that is sold to a low-income buyer and subject to a regulatory agreement with a governmental entity, nonprofit, land bank, or community land trust.Disincentivize Bulk Purchases of Homes by Institutional Investors (Rev – Part F) by creating a 75-day waiting period in which they cannot bid on single- and two-family homes. The bill defines institutional investors as those who own 10 or more single- or two-family homes and have $50M or more in assets. Entities that are funded by these investors would also be subject to the waiting period except for nonprofits, land banks and community land trusts. Violations would be subject to $250,000 in penalties.
The bill would also prohibit institutional investors or their individual owners from claiming interest and depreciation deductions from these homes unless sold to an affordable nonprofit or individual buyer who will live there.
Strengthen Laws and Policies to Combat Home Appraisal Discrimination (ELFA – Part G)
Makes discrimination based on protected classes unlawful in real estate appraisals and allows fines up to $2,000 for violations.Funding for Existing Housing Programs
The Executive Budget supports the ongoing 5-year housing plan and adds funding for several new initiatives noted above. However, the $427 million capital increase in the “housing program” is not actually additional funding but rather replaces funds used to cover a lapse in the state’s debt authority last year.
NYHC supports expanding investment in the housing plan and opposes decreased funding levels for the Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Programs and the Small Rental Development Initiative which the Executive proposes to cut. We expect the Legislature will advocate for full restoration, as they have in past years.
Last week New York’s $237 billion FY 2025 budget was released. It takes significant steps to increase housing supply and addresses other policy issues such as affordable housing insurance discrimination, deed theft and tenant protections and funding was maintained for vital housing programs. However, the budget once again excluded the Housing Access Voucher Program, which would have provided rental assistance to low-income New Yorkers experiencing homelessness and at risk of eviction. NYHC will continue to advocate for this and other desperately needed resources for the most vulnerable renters.
“We applaud Governor Hochul and the NY State Legislature for reaching an agreement on a wide range of policy solutions to address NY’s housing shortage. Tax incentives, zoning changes and new funding will help build more housing and most importantly it will make NY a more affordable place to live in for renters and homeowners. It won’t happen overnight, but this agreement will help increase our housing supply across the state by increasing affordable housing development with tax incentives; allowing Accessory Dwelling Units; facilitating conversions to residential housing; and by fighting insurance discrimination which is making housing more expensive. Albany lawmakers have come together on solutions that will benefit New Yorkers for future generations and we hope they will continue discussing comprehensive solutions to address the housing crisis. While new protections will help limit rent increases for some renters, more resources are needed to help low-income families and people experiencing homeless endure the crushing realities of the tight housing market.” Statement from Rachel Fee, Executive Director of New York Housing Conference on the FY2025 New York State Budget
New York City Housing Policy Changes
Establishes Affordable Neighborhoods for New Yorkers Tax Incentive (ELFA Part U)
The budget replaces the expired 421-a program with Affordable Neighborhoods for New Yorkers (485-x), a new tax incentive for rental and homeownership construction in NYC for projects vested between June 2022 and June 2034 with six or more units of rental or homeownership.Terms of the benefit and wage requirements are determined by the size and location of projects. All projects receive a 100% exemption during construction up to three years. For rental projects with income restricted units, only the affordable units will be subject to rent stabilization, affordability is required in perpetuity and at least half of affordable units must be two bedrooms or larger and no more than 25% can be smaller than one bedroom. For homeownership projects, affordability is required for 20 years.
Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) Requirement
The bill requires that eligible sites make all reasonable efforts to spend 25% of total design and
construction costs on MWBEs.Enforcement
The bill creates new notification requirements and enforcement terms. It includes language to
allow HPD to determine appropriate fines for violations of affordability and rent stabilization terms.
It requires owners to register with HPD within 6 months or pay a penalty equal to the application
fee. They must also notify both HPD and the NYC Comptroller of the anticipated start and end
date of construction and the existence of a labor agreement within 3 months prior to construction.
Failure to provide such notice will result in fines up to $5,000 and forfeiture of the benefit. Further,
the Comptroller will have the authority revoke benefits for violating wage agreements for
construction or building service employees.NYHC strongly supports an as of right tax abatement to encourage mixed income rental housing that
better reflects the needs of low-income New Yorkers. While we were advocating for lower income levels
given the huge increase in AMI in recent years, we are pleased the Governor and the Legislature were
able to come to an agreement on a program that eliminates the highest incomes, maintains affordability
in perpetuity and better addresses cross subsidy challenges.Extends 421-a Project Completion Deadline for Vested Projects (ELFA Part T)
The deadline to complete 421-a projects already in the pipeline is extended from June 15, 2026
to June 15, 2031 and excludes the highest income affordability options, which produced 30% of
units at 130% AMI. The bill requires HPD to develop an application form within 60 days and for
developers to submit such form within 90 days of it becoming available.NYHC supports extending the deadline to allow projects already in the pipeline to be completed
and the exclusion of the highest income units.Requires Annual Audits of 421-a Projects (ELFA Part JJ)
HPD must develop a program to conduct annual random audits of 421-a projects receiving
benefits since 2014 for compliance with rent registration, affordability, and rent stabilization
requirements under the affordable New York housing program. The first audit will be due by
December 31, 2025 and the results will be made public. No more than 25% of eligible properties
can be subject to an audit each year and no project can be audited in two consecutive years.Affordable Housing from Commercial Conversion (AHCC) Tax Incentive (ELFA Part R)
Establishes the AHCC program in NYC to provide a tax exemption for commercial to residential
conversions that produce at least six rental units. It would require at least 25% of units be
affordable in perpetuity, averaging at or below 80% AMI. At least 5% must be affordable at or
below 40% AMI with none exceeding 100% AMI. The program applies to projects vested from
January 2023 to June 2031 and completed by 2039.The tax exemption would be subject to prevailing wages for building service workers during the
benefit period except in buildings with fewer than 30 units or that receive substantial government
assistance or subsidy to develop affordable housing. The exemption also establishes terms for
revoking the benefit for violating wage or affordability requirements.The terms of the benefit are determined by when buildings are vested and whether they are in the Manhattan prime development area (south of 96th street):
By June 30, 2026: 35-year benefit
100% exemption during construction
First 30 years: 90% exemption in Manhattan prime and 65% outside
Year 31: 80% exemption in Manhattan prime and 50% outside
Years 32-35: 10% annual decrease in exemption in all areasBy June 30, 2028: 30-year benefit
100% exemption during construction
First 25 years: 90% exemption in Manhattan prime and 65% outside
Year 26: 80% exemption in Manhattan prime and 50% outside
Years 27-30: 10% annual decrease in exemption in all areasBy June 30, 2031 – 25-year benefit
100% exemption during construction
First 20 years: 90% exemption in Manhattan prime and 65% outside
Year 21: 80% exemption in Manhattan prime and 50% outside
Years 22-25: 10% annual decrease in exemption in all areasNYHC strongly supports commercial conversion tax incentive benefits requiring affordable
housing and we are happy to see the affordability requirement increase from 20% proposed in
the Executive Budget to 25% as proposed in the Senate one-house.Reforming Floor Area Ratio Cap (ELFA Part Q)
The budget allows NYC to exceed the 12-FAR cap of certain buildings, in accordance with local
zoning laws, ordinances or resolutions. It clarifies that FAR can only be exceeded for projects that
have gone through the public review process and are subject to Mandatory Inclusionary Housing
(MIH) or equivalent affordability requirements.The bill excludes historic districts and lots with joint live work quarters for artists or lofts. It also
includes language requiring the offer of compensation and relocation assistance for existing
tenants in buildings that are demolished to rebuild beyond 12 FAR.NYHC has been championing this policy change for nearly a decade.
Basement Apartment Legalization Pilot in NYC (ELFA Part S)
A pilot program is created to convert occupied some illegal basement apartments in NYC to legal
dwelling units that meet health and safety standards. It requires standard to be established in
consultation with the NYC fire department, the NYC department of buildings, and the NYC office
of emergency management. Units located in flood hazard areas will need to meet additional
standard.The program exempts any necessary zoning changes from environmental review but does
require a public hearing and approval by the City Planning Commission and approval by the City
Council. It provides amnesty to property owners who convert these units and a right of first refusal
to return for tenants who need to be removed while their units are brought into compliance. It also
includes language for court action and compensation for tenants who are denied their right of first
refusal.The Community Districts covered include:
Bronx CDs 9, 10, 11, 12
Brooklyn CDs 4, 10, 11, 17
Manhattan CDs 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12
Queens CD 2NYHC strongly supports the creation of a basement apartment legalization program to improve housing
quality and safety for current residents of illegal basement and cellar apartments. However, we regret that
many Queens & Brooklyn neighborhoods that would benefit most were excluded from the pilot.Increases the Amount Recoverable by an Owner for Certain Individual Apartment
Improvements (IAI) (ELFA Part FF)
The budget increases the amount that can be recouped for improvements to individual rent
stabilized apartments from $15,000 to $30,000 and to $50,000 for vacant apartments that were
continuously occupied for at least 25 years prior to vacancy. It also makes these increases
permanent.NYHC recognizes that changes to IAIs were inadequate to recoup the cost of improvements
through rent increases. We strongly opposed proposed language to reset the rents of long tenancy vacant apartments which could have led to rent increases of over 100%. We believe this
IAI reform is a reasonable compromise balancing owners need to recoup investment with
affordability.Enacts Good Cause Eviction (ELFA Part HH)
The budget includes good cause eviction protections for certain unregulated renters in NYC and
allows localities outside of the city to opt-in, with the flexibility to make some changes in local law.
The bill requires a “good cause” to evict or refuse to renew a lease. Reasons considered good cause include:- Non-payment of rent, unless it was due to an “unreasonable” rent increase. (Rent increases of 5% plus the annual change in the consumer price index or 10% whichever is lower, are presumed unreasonable.)
- Lease violations
- Nuisance or damage
- Breaking the law and the remedy involves vacating the unit
- Illegal use of a unit
- Unreasonable refusal of access to unit
- Refusal to agree to reasonable changes at lease renewal
- Good faith recovery for the landlord or family member to occupy as their primary
residence, unless the tenant is 65 years or older or disabled. - Good faith effort to demolish the building
- Good faith withdrawal of the unit from the rental market
The bill exempts:
- Affordable housing because renters in regulated and public housing already have a right to lease renewal and rent increases are limited by other state and federal laws.
- Owner-occupied buildings with 10 units or less.
- Owners with portfolios of 10 units or less, however must provide proof if they claim this exemption in court.
- Cooperatives and condominiums
- Units with rent that exceed 245% FMR, or currently $6,742 for a two-bedroom
- New construction for 30 years, beginning with buildings built on January 1, 2009.
- Other forms of housing such as retirement communities, hospitals and adult care facilities, manufactured homes, hotel rooms, dormitories and religious housing
Landlords of units subject to good cause will have to give tenants notice a rent increase above
the rent reasonableness threshold and provide justification for the increase. They will also have to
give notice and the reason for nonrenewal. Landlords who are exempt from good cause
provisions will have to give the reason for the exemption.While NYHC did not take a position on the original good cause bill, our analysis suggests that the
exemptions in this budget will result in protections for a relatively narrow universe of unregulated
tenants. For example, while we cannot cross reference with portfolio size or owner occupancy,
we know that about 140,000 condo and co-op units are exempt and 75% of non co-op/condo
unregulated rental units are in buildings with fewer than 10 units.Public Housing
The budget includes $140 million for the New York City Housing Authority, significantly less than
the $500 million proposed in both the Senate and Assembly one-houses and $75 million for
public housing outside of NYC.NYHC strongly supports state funding for NYCHA capital improvements.
Statewide Housing Policy Changes
Housing on State Land (Capital S8304-D)
The budget includes $250 million as part of a larger $500 million commitment to develop up to 15,000
units of housing on state-owned sites across New York as part of the Governor’s Redevelopment of
Underutilized Sites for Housing (RUSH) initiative. Sites will become available on an individual basis as the
state issues requests for proposals to develop them.Strengthen Pro-Housing Communities Designation (Capital)
The budget enables the State to make the Pro-Housing Communities certification a requirement
to receive up to $650 million in state discretionary funding programs for housing, economic
development and transportation.NYHC supports strong incentives to build housing, but we continue to call for a statewide
framework to increase housing supply and eliminate exclusionary zoning.Address Discrimination in Affordable Housing Insurance (ELFA Part BB)
The budget includes language that property and liability insurers cannot “cancel, refuse to issue,
refuse to renew or increase the premium of a policy, or exclude, limit, restrict, or reduce coverage
under a policy” based on the existence of income restricted units, the source of income of the
tenants or shareholders, the receipt of government subsidy, or the owner being a public housing
agency or a limited equity co-op. It also prohibits them from asking about these factors in an
application.NYHC strongly supports this language to ban discrimination against affordable housing in
both property and liability insurance. Recent NYHC analysis found blatant discrimination in
correspondence between our partners and brokers/insurance companies.Opt-In Multifamily Tax Incentive (ELFA Part EE)
The budget creates an optional multifamily rental tax exemption for localities outside of NYC for
new construction and conversions on vacant and underutilized land with at least 10 units of rental
housing and income restricted units that serve an average of 60% – 80% AMI, with a max of
100% AMI. Income restrictions last for the benefit period, however rent restricted tenants have a
right to lease renewals for their entire tenancy. In mixed use buildings, at least 50% of the square
footage must be rental housing.Buildings that are 25% affordable will receive a 100% exemption during construction for up to 3
years followed by an exemption for 25 years that starts at 96% and decreases by 4% each year.
Prevailing wage applies for building service employees except in buildings with less than 30 units
or that have substantial government subsidy.Buildings that are 100% affordable will receive a 100% exemption during construction up to 3
years followed by a 30-year exemption. Up to 2 units may not be income restricted to be occupied
by property employees such as superintendents as part of their compensation.NYHC supports standardizing tax incentives for rental housing with affordable housing
requirements across the state.Opt-In Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Tax Exemption (ELFA Part GG)
The budget includes language to define ADUs as a housing accommodation in the human rights
law and creates the terms of an optional ADU tax exemption on the increase in value of property
that results from the addition of an ADU.Localities may adopt the exemption after a public hearing exemption. It is limited to ADUs added
to single and two-family homes and cannot exceed $200,000 in increased market value. For the
first five years, it will provide a 100% exemption on the increase in assessed value. Over the
following five years, it will phase out based on a percentage of the increase in assessed value.NYHC strongly supports ADU legalization and tax incentives that support homeowners who want
to create them. We will continue to explore the additional policy implications if any, of adding
ADUs to the definition of housing accommodation statewide.Safety Standard for Single Exit, Single Stairway Buildings (ELFA Part V)
The budget includes language to require the State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council
conduct a study relating to standards for egress including existing building codes for single-exit,
single stairway multifamily buildings that are above three stories and up to at least six stories. The
bill requires the study be completed by July 1, 2026 and allows the council to amend the uniform
code based on its findings.NYHC strongly supports allowing single-stair construction to reduce the cost of
building housing and to make more efficient use of sites. This is a “no cost” way for the
Legislature to help bring down housing costs.Heirs Property Protection and Deed Theft Prevention Act of 2024 (ELFA Part O)
The budget includes language that establishes deed theft as a specific form of larceny, creates a
clear definition of the crime of deed theft and authorizes the Attorney General to prosecute such
crimes. It further prohibits outside parties that did not inherit shares of a property from initiating
partition actions and establishes a right of first refusal for heirs when an outside party makes an
offer to purchase one owner’s shares. These changes limit the ability of predatory investors to
acquire interests in inherited property and pressure homeowners into selling their family homes.
The bill also establishes a Transfer on Death Deed, which would allow homeowners to determine
the beneficiary of their property, without the necessity of drafting a formal will.New York Housing for the Future Homeownership Program and the New York Housing for
the Future Rental Housing Program (ELFA Part KK)
Two new housing programs are established and provided $150 million to provide assistance in
the form of payments, grants and loans to support affordable rental housing and limited equity
cooperative homeownership opportunities serving households up to 130% AMI and projects
would be subject to prevailing wage. Much of the details of the programs are to be determined by
HCR.USDA 515 Rental Property Preservation (Capital)
The budget includes $10 million to preserve USDA 515 rental properties whose mortgages and
affordability protections are set to expire. These projects are affordable rentals built with USDA
funding in the 1990’s and early 2000’s in rural areas of the state. There are about 400 of these
properties encompassing 22,000 affordable rental apartments in New York. This is less than the
$25 million proposed in the Senate one-house.NYHC strongly supports this funding which is a top priority for our partners at the Rural Housing
Coalition of NY.Infill Housing Pilot Program (Capital)
The budget includes a Senate proposal for $40 million for an infill housing program to construct
one to two family homes for purchase affordable to low-moderate income buyers in Buffalo,
Binghamton, Albany, Syracuse, and Rochester. The program would prioritize vacant, abandoned,
or under-utilized land owned by the municipality.Vacant Apartment Repair and Rehabilitation Program (Capital)
The budget includes $40 million to provide grants of up to $75,000/unit to repair vacant
apartments outside of NYC, a modified Senate proposal.Clarifies When a Landlord-tenant Relationship Exists (ELFA Part II)
The budget clarifies that squatters are not tenants and defines squatters as those that intrude
upon real property without the permission of the person entitled to possession and continue to
occupy the property without title, right or permission of the owner or owner’s agent or a person
entitled to possession.Other Budget Highlights
As seen in the table below, funding was restored for programs that were cut in the executive
budget, such as the Rural and Neighborhood Preservation Programs, the Small Rental
Development Initiative and Access to Home.$40 million was included for the Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP) to prevent foreclosure
and $15 million for eviction prevention. NYHC supports funding for both of these programs,
however we echo concerns from other advocates that this was not additional funding, but
diverted from the Interest on Lawyer Account Fund (“IOLA”) which already supports civil legal
services for low-income New Yorkers. We urge the Governor and Legislature to adequately fund
all of these programs.
The Governor and Legislature finalized the $229 billion state budget, excluding any plan for increasing housing supply and addressing exclusionary zoning across the state. In her executive budget, Governor Hochul proposed the Housing Compact – a bold statewide growth strategy that would have complemented the 5-Year Affordable Housing Plan, addressed exclusionary zoning while providing flexibility for localities, incentivized affordable housing and supported our aggressive climate goals through increased density near public transit. The Senate and Assembly responded by proposing incentive driven plans in their one-house budgets. There were clear opportunities for compromise but negotiations failed due to fierce opposition. We are extremely disappointed to see another year of inaction on our housing supply crisis. This budget guarantees that we’ll continue to see skyrocketing rents, existing patterns of residential racial segregation reinforced, first time homebuyers locked out of the market and seniors unable to downsize in or near their own communities.
Over the last several months, NYHC advocated in support of the Housing Compact as a founding member of the New York Neighbors Campaign – a pro-homes coalition of over 50 organizations across the state supporting policies to increase housing supply and create more affordable homes to tackle the state’s debilitating housing shortage. For months we met with legislators and staff, published op-eds, testified at hearings, held press conferences and released data analysis in support of these solutions. Though the state did not deliver this year, the Housing Compact prompted a serious conversation about what it will take for New York to truly address its housing crisis. It also became clear that while those in power may not be willing to pursue bold solutions, their constituents are ready for action. We will continue to fight for proven policy solutions to address the supply shortage, eliminate exclusionary practices and create the diverse housing stock needed to respond to job growth and serve New Yorkers at all different stages of life.
The budget did include some of NYHC’s other priorities as outlined in our budget testimony such as rental assistance to begin addressing the arrears crisis in public and affordable housing and continued funding for homeowner assistance and vital HCR programs.
Aid to Renters
The state provided $391 million for rental arrears for tenants that were deprioritized by the state’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program including, “tenants or occupants of federal- or state-funded subsidized public housing authorities or other federal- or state- funded subsidized housing that limits the household’s share of the rent to a set percentage of income.” Mounting arrears in affordable and public housing is a crisis that if not addressed could lead to a wave of evictions among the tenants most in need of housing and put affordable developments at financial risk.
While we are pleased to see some funding in the budget for rental arrears, we are concerned that this is not nearly enough to meet the need. NYCHA alone for example has $454 million in arrears since 2019 and in our study of just 50,000 affordable units, we found 31 percent of tenants owed at least two months rent totaling $145.7 million.
The budget excludes the Housing Access Voucher Program (HAVP), which would have provided rental assistance to families and individuals who are at risk of or are already experiencing homelessness. Funding HAVP would have provided stability to tens of thousands of low-income renters and put New York on track to end the homelessness crisis in our state. Direct relief in the form of rental assistance is a lifeline for low-income households, vital to preventing evictions and needed now more than ever as families grapple with rising costs.
Homeowner Assistance
- $40 million for the Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP), which funds much needed foreclosure prevention services. According to U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey data, an average of 7.4% of New York homeowners with mortgages continued to be delinquent in 2022 – almost 290,000 New York families. This is well over the high of 3.8% in January 2009, during the height of the financial crisis and Great Recession.
- $40.5 million for the Affordable Housing Corporation (AHC), a program subsidy for affordable homeownership development and a necessary tool to creating home ownership opportunities for low-income families in New York.
- $50 million for a Homeowner Stabilization Fund modeled after the Buffalo East Homeowner Improvement Program to finance home repairs in 10 communities across the state that have been identified as having high levels of low-income homeowners of color and homeowners in distress.
- $25 million for a First-Time Homeowner Program to provide grants for homeowners between 50 and 120 percent AMI for costs associated with home purchases such as closing costs and downpayments.
Greening Building Infrastructure
The budget will prohibit the installation of all fossil fuel infrastructure in new construction beginning in 2026 for small buildings seven stories and under and all new buildings beginning in 2029. It excludes buildings for some uses such as medical facilities, laundromats, critical infrastructure and commercial food establishments. It also excludes buildings where the local grid is not capable of handling the load and will not impact existing buildings and appliances. This is part of an ongoing effort to meet the ambitious climate goals set by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
Governor Hochul and the Legislature reached an agreement last week on the FY2023 Budget, representing $220B in spending. We are pleased that the budget includes a new $25B, 5-year statewide affordable housing plan, some funding for NYCHA, and much-needed aid to renters still facing the financial instability brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. The state’s new affordable housing plan aligns with many of our recommendations issued in a December report but falls short of recommended funding levels such as NYCHA. Find HCR’s press release here.
NYHC commends Governor Hochul and the Legislature for adopting a new 5-year housing plan ensuring continued investment in affordable and supportive housing across New York State. Investment in housing is a down payment on a better future for New York. More than 1 million NY households struggle to afford rent each month and 90,000 individuals experience homelessness on any given night. NY’s new housing plan will help combat our affordability and homelessness crisis.
Here is an overview of housing-related programs in the enacted budget.
- 5-Year Housing Plan: The adopted budget includes a new $5.7B five-year housing capital plan ($4.5B to be spent over 5 years plus 1.2 billion in ongoing programs ($242M must be appropriated annually in FY24 – FY27 for ongoing programs)). The plan includes $1.5B for supportive housing, $1B for new construction or adaptive reuse of rental housing, $450M for multifamily preservation and $400M for affordable homeownership. According to Governor Hochul’s release, the plan also includes $8.8B in State and Federal tax credits and other federal allocations, and $11B to support the operation of shelters and supportive housing units and to provide rental subsidies. It also provides for the electrification of an additional 50,000 homes as part of the state’s plan to electrify one million homes and makes another one million electrification-ready.
Overall, this represents a significant increase in state capital investment compared to the last plan.
The enacted budget also includes funding for a number of crucial housing programs outside of the 5-year housing plan:
- Public Housing: The enacted budget funds a Public Housing Assistance Program with $350M for NYCHA and $50M for public housing statewide outside of New York City. While this funding is helpful, NYCHA requires a multi-year appropriation and a long-term joint City-State strategy.
- Expanding Affordable Homeownership: Outside of the major $400M investment in capital resources for the creation of homeownership opportunities in the new housing plan, the budget also funds a number of programs for the provision of affordable homeownership throughout the state. These include:
- A $50M land banks initiative
- An allocation of $36M for the Affordable Housing Corporation (AHC), which provides grants to nonprofits to subsidize the cost of newly constructed houses and the renovation of existing housing.
- A $100M Mitchell-Lama Preservation and Homeownership Program to preserve Mitchell-Lama units and to create more permanent homeownership opportunities. Some of this program’s funding may be used for an affordable homeownership proposal like that seen in the Assembly one-house budget—known as the Foundations for Futures (Limited-Equity Co-ops Program). However, the details for this program will be dictated by HCR and are TBD.
- Hotel Conversions: The adopted budget provides $100M for the distressed hotel and commercial conversion program known as HONDA. This program was initially funded a year ago and no projects have yet been financed. Unfortunately, without legislative changes to the Multiple Dwelling Law to facilitate conversions to residential use, the program may continue to face difficulties in carrying out these conversions.
- Rental Arrears Aid: While state legislators and the Governor continued the call for the federal government to provide adequate levels of emergency rental assistance funding, they have agreed to provide a total of $925M to expand the existing state programs. The adopted budget includes $800M for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) and $125M for the Landlord Rental Assistance Program (LRAP), using a portion of the Coronavirus Pandemic Relief Fund. The budget also includes $250M to help New Yorkers make up utility arrears lost due to the pandemic. This is great news for thousands of households with arrears who applied for funds but would not be assisted due to the gap between funding and need.
Priorities Not Included
- The Housing Access Voucher Program (HAVP): Despite both houses including versions of this bill sponsored by Housing Chairs Senator Kavanagh and Assemblymember Cymbrowitz (S2804B/A3701B), it was not included in the adopted budget. The bill would create a statewide rental assistance program for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. This program is urgently needed to prevent homelessness and promote housing stability.
- Fair Housing: The budget provides $35M in funds for Eviction Counseling outside of NYC, a welcome expansion in the spirit of NYC’s right-to-council initiative, $250K for improving access to housing for people with prior arrests or conviction records, and $2M in Fair Housing Testing funds. However, the “fair housing” proposals seen in the executive budget, which prohibited the outright denial of a tenant application based on criminal record and credit history or score were not included in the adopted budget.
- Land-Use and Zoning Policies: While the budget includes $85M for accessory dwelling units (ADU), regrettably, a powerful set of housing production-related policies were dropped out of the enacted budget. These include a lifting of the current residential floor area ratio (FAR) limit, regulatory relief for hotel and commercial conversions, and ADU legalization and subsequent basement and cellar conversion language (included in the Governor’s 30-day amendment of the Executive Budget). These policies have the potential to create thousands of housing opportunities for New Yorkers, we are disappointed to see them not make it into the adopted budget.
- 421-a Replacement: In addition to the other housing-production-related proposals put forth by the Governor, the Legislature and Governor were not able to agree on a replacement for the 421-a program. The Executive Budget included a new iteration of the tax credit set to expire in June known as the 485-w the Affordable Neighborhoods for New Yorkers Tax Incentive Program. Read the Furman Center’s blog post comparing the Governor’s proposal to 421-a to learn more.
The Legislature will have the opportunity to continue to work to agreement on the remaining housing policy issues until the sessions in June. For a program-by-program breakdown of the FY22-23 adopted budget, see the NYHC Enacted Budget Tables below or download a pdf version here.
- 5-Year Housing Plan: The adopted budget includes a new $5.7B five-year housing capital plan ($4.5B to be spent over 5 years plus 1.2 billion in ongoing programs ($242M must be appropriated annually in FY24 – FY27 for ongoing programs)). The plan includes $1.5B for supportive housing, $1B for new construction or adaptive reuse of rental housing, $450M for multifamily preservation and $400M for affordable homeownership. According to Governor Hochul’s release, the plan also includes $8.8B in State and Federal tax credits and other federal allocations, and $11B to support the operation of shelters and supportive housing units and to provide rental subsidies. It also provides for the electrification of an additional 50,000 homes as part of the state’s plan to electrify one million homes and makes another one million electrification-ready.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo and NY’s State Legislature approved the fiscal year 2022 budget in early April. While the budget does not renew the 5-year housing plan, it does include significant new housing funding, continues existing programs, and creating the state’s emergency rental assistance program.
Emergency Rental Assistance – $2.3 billion federal and $100 million state funding
The final budget enacts the “Covid-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program of 2021”, New York State’s new rent relief program (legislation linked here, page 70), which utilizes funding from federal stimulus packages from December and March. The New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) will administer the program.
The program will use $2.3 billion in federal funds and $100 million in state funds. The additional $100 million can be used to supplement the federal funds; provide relief for households with incomes greater than the 80% AMI if a household member is in a priority population defined by the bill; or it can be used for assistance to landlords outside the terms defined below.
Eligibility: Renter households will be eligible regardless of immigration status and will be able to self-attest eligibility. Eligible households must:
- Have a household income at or below 80% area median income (AMI)
- Have a member who qualified for unemployment, had reduction of income, incurred significant costs or experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19
- Demonstrate risk of homelessness or housing instability
Prioritization: During the first 30 days, OTDA must ensure no less than 35% of funding goes to households outside of NYC. They will also prioritize applications by income and the following priority groups:
- Currently unemployed and have been for 90 days
- Tenants of mobile homes and parks with arrears for the land on which they’re located
- Vulnerable populations such as survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking and veterans
- Households with pending eviction cases
- Households in communities disproportionately impacted by COVID
- Households in buildings with 20 units or less and owned by small landlords
During this time, applications will be accepted in the below sequence:
- 50% AMI and lower and a member in a priority group
- 50% AMI and lower and no member in a priority group
- 80% AMI and lower and a member in a priority group
- 80% AMI and lower and no member in a priority group
After 30 days, remaining applications will be processed on a rolling basis. The language on the 30 day prioritization period is somewhat unclear but we anticipate OTDA will release concrete guidelines once the program is established.
Residents of public housing and tenants of other federal and state subsidized housing where rent is limited to a percentage of income are eligible only if funds remain after all others are served. This language is concerning as it can potentially be interpreted to exclude tenants in affordable housing without rental assistance. We understand this is not the bill’s intent and are working with other housing organizations to ensure that this program will not prohibit or delay assistance to tenants in LIHTC buildings who are otherwise eligible.
For approved applications, funding will go directly to the landlord. If the landlord does not accept the payment within twelve months, they are deemed to have waived the covered rent and cannot initiate an action based on nonpayment of the rent.
Landlords that accept the payments are agreeing to certain tenant protections including that the arrears are covered and to waive any late fees, not to increase the rent above the amount that was due at the time of application for one year after the first payment, not to evict for an expired lease or holdover for 12 months after the first payment and to notify the tenant of the protections.
The administration is required to report monthly on their website including the number of applicants; the number of recipients that chose to participate; the number of eligible households that received assistance including the category of assistance; and the average amount of funding provided per eligible household. The legislation requires housing court to provide information to residents in court about how to apply for assistance.
While some of our major concerns regarding tenants’ ability to self-attest and access for undocumented households have been addressed in this legislation, we are still concerned about timely access and advanced processing of priority populations, which may delay processing overall.
We are also concerned by the provision that areas outside of New York City receive at least 35% of funding. We believe the legislation intends that this only covers funding during the first 30 days, but that should be clarified. In addition, the NYU Furman Center estimated that New York City’s households make up 75% of the total statewide emergency rental assistance need.
Finally, the legislative language authorizing the $100 million in supplemental state funding is very broad. It does not appear to have a limit on income eligibility and there is no guidance on the assistance for landlords. We will seek more details on intended use of this funding.
Eviction Moratoriums
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) eviction moratorium was extended to June 30, 2021. An extension of the NYS eviction moratorium, which expires on May 1, 2021, was not included in the budget. The legislature may act to extend the moratorium separately. We will continue to monitor this issue.
Transitional Rental Assistance – $100 million
The enacted state budget includes $100 million for a new rental assistance program called the Transitional Rent Supplement Program, which will allow local jurisdictions to design programs and apply for funding.
Public Housing – $325 million
The final budget allocates $200M in capital funding for NYCHA and $125M for public housing across the state for weatherization, heating, elevators, lead remediation, and other critical maintenance projects.
We are pleased to see public housing funding included in this year’s budget, however we believe the state should live up to its responsibility and commit to ongoing funding for NYCHA and other public housing.
Hotels and Offices – $100 million
The 2022 budget includes $100 million to create the Adaptive Reuse Affordable Housing Program to convert commercial properties and hotels in New York City to permanent affordable housing. There was no program language attached to this funding. We will continue to monitor for legislative action.
Supportive Housing – $250 million
The final budget includes $250 million for supportive housing ($186 million in HCR and $64 million in OTDA HHAP) for year 6 of the supportive housing plan.
State Low-Income Housing Credits
The enacted budget extends Low-Income Housing Credits for five years for $8 million per year.
Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP)
The budget includes $20 million per year for the next 3 years for HOPP, which provides foreclosure prevention services.
Affordable Housing Corporation (AHC)
The final budget allocates $51 million, a historic increase, to the AHC, which funds affordable homeownership opportunities. We anticipate legislative action to accompany this increase, which would fill budget gaps for many halted projects.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
The budget includes a total of $950 million for the Home Energy Assistance Program, which is an increase of $450 million. The program helps low-income households pay for the costs of heating their homes.
Sales Tax Exemption
The final budget codifies the eligibility of the sales tax exemption for not-for-profit Housing Development Fund Corporations.
HCR Programs & Capital Funding
The final budget leaves most of the capital programs at the same funding as last year. The one exception is funding for the Affordable Housing Corporation program doubled to $51 million.
Governor Cuomo released the 2020-2021 Executive Budget outlining priorities for spending $178 billion while closing the $6.1 billion gap.
The FY2021 budget marks the last funding year of the 5-year statewide affordable housing plan, which promises to create or preserve 100,000 units of affordable housing and 6,000 supportive housing units. The $20 billion initiative is not subject to public reporting, so we have limited details on spending and production progress. The budget briefing book says, “The State is well on track toward meeting that mark, having already financed the new construction and preservation of more than 60,000 affordable units.”
Over 5 years, the $20 billion is broken down into “$3.5 billion in capital resources, $8.6 billion in State and Federal tax credits and other allocations, and $8 billion to support the operation of shelters, supportive housing units, and rental subsidies.” While most of the capital funding for the affordable housing plan was appropriated in the first year of the plan, $407.336 million of the original funding is scheduled to be available starting April 1, 2020. In addition, the Executive Budget doubles funding for the Homeless Housing Assistance Program this year to $128 million for supportive housing operated by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA). This includes $5 million dedicated to housing permanent, emergency and transitional housing for persons living with HIV or AIDS and another $5 million for veteran housing. With a record high statewide homeless count of 91,897, this additional funding is needed but more must also be done by the state to address our homeless crisis. The Executive Budget fails to include Home Stability Support funding which would prevent families from becoming homeless. NYS must also continue funding for the successful ESSHI program in order to ensure a continuous pipeline of critically needed supportive housing.
Notably, public housing was left out of the Executive Budget again this year. With capital needs now projected to be $40 billion in NYC alone, NY State must do more to preserve public housing across the state.
We were also hoping that the new Source of Income Law enacted last year in the budget would receive enforcement funding this year but it was left out. Read more about the #EndIncomeBiasNY campaign in a recent Op Ed by our partners, Elaine Gross from Erase Racism and Lorraine Collins from Enterprise Community Partners, Inc, “Section 8 discrimination is a crime, now Cuomo must fund enforcement”.
Additional capital proposed in the Executive Budget for HCR’s ongoing programs is detailed in the chart below.
Here are some other related policy and budget proposals:
- The Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT)
MRT is charged with identifying cost-containment measures that will provide approximately $2.5 billion in gap-closing savings in FY 2021 and ensure Medicaid spending in future years adheres to the Global Cap indexed rate. The spending targets are incorporated into the Financial Plan projections. The Team’s recommendations are due prior to the Enacted Budget on April 1 so there is not a lot of time to act. In the past, MRT had proposed investing in supportive and senior housing to reduce healthcare costs with great success. SKA Marin’s Metro East 99th Street is an example of how targeted investment in housing (in this case for chronically disabled individuals) can improve quality of life while saving tax dollars. We hope MRT will revive their housing committee as part of this process.
- New Authority to Reduce NYC Funding to Offset Costs Incurred for Administering Rent Regulation
NYC already pays NYS to administer rent regulation according the emergency tenant protection act of 1974, amended in 2019. HCR establishes an estimate and there is codified schedule of payment. This new amendment would allow the director of the budget to direct any other state agency to reduce the amount of any other payment or payments owed to such city or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof; provided however, that such reduction shall be in an amount equal to the costs incurred by the state in administering the rent regulation program for such city.
- Abolish the State Board of Real Property Tax Services
This transfers remaining duties of this State Board to the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. In 2010, when the responsibilities of the State Office of Real Property Services were transferred to the Department of Taxation and Finance, the State Board of Real Property Services was retained and renamed the State Board of Real Property Tax Services. This bill would abolish that board and thereby make the process of reviewing and determining complaints involving equalization rates, special franchise assessments, and certain assessment ceilings more efficient, while aligning the Department of Taxation and Finance with other agencies, and eliminating instances where complaints cannot be resolved due to the lack of a quorum.
- Provides a Local Option for Placing Converted Condos Into the Homestead Class Purpose
This proposal would give municipalities that have separate tax rates for homestead and non-homestead properties, and that value converted condos using the sales approach, the local option of placing converted condominiums in the homestead class.
- Deny STAR Benefits to Delinquent Property Owners
Provides state support for the local enforcement of past-due property taxes, by precluding delinquent property owners from receiving STAR credits or exemptions if their property taxes remain unpaid.
- Allow for the Appointment of Acting County Directors of Real Property Tax Services
Amends the Real Property Tax Law (RPTL) to allow for the appointment of an Acting Director of Real Property Tax Services in the event that the appointed Director of Real Property Tax Services is unable to perform the duties of the office or the office becomes vacant.
- Modernize and Merge Real Property Tax Forms and Processes
When real property is sold, two different State-prescribed forms must be filed, both on paper, and a real estate transfer tax (RETT) must be paid, unless an exemption from the tax applies. The two forms (TP-584 and RP-5217) are largely duplicative of one another, but they cannot be readily combined because one form is a RETT return that is subject to the secrecy provisions of the Tax Law, and the other is a real property tax report that, by law, is fully subject to public disclosure. This bill would authorize the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance to combine these two forms into a consolidated real property transfer form and to implement an online system for e-filing this consolidated form and paying the associated taxes and fees. In New York City and Westchester County, which have instituted their own electronic deed recording systems, the Department’s e-filing option would be available only if the city or county opted to allow it to be used.
- Make Exceptions for Late Enhanced STAR Filers
This bill would reopen the enrollment period for the STAR Income Verification Program (IVP) and allow DTF to send checks to qualified late enrollees.
- Shift Basic STAR Exemptions to the Credit Program
The bill would reduce the income limit for the Basic STAR exemption from $250,000 to $200,000. Property owners with incomes greater than $200,000 who had been receiving the Basic STAR exemption on the preceding assessment roll would be switched automatically to the Basic STAR credit, unless the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance is unable to verify their eligibility for the credit, in which case they will be notified and given an opportunity to demonstrate their eligibility.
For more information on this policy proposals, click here.
New York State Lawmakers passed a $175 billion budget adopting several progressive policy changes with some notable exceptions- public housing being the glaring one. NYHC housing has been advocating for long-term capital funding for NYCHA and dedicated revenue from luxury real estate taxes. The failure of Albany lawmakers to include public housing in their robust budget deal is disheartening given the challenges facing NYCHA’s future and insufficient federal funds. Given the renewal of the rent laws in June, there may be some post-budget opportunity to revisit the need for public housing capital funding. A statement issued by the housing chairs, Senator Brian Kavanagh and Assembly Member Steven Cymbrowitz says that an agreement on public housing funding wasn’t reached and they are “deferring any decision on these proposals until later in the legislative session”.
Here are some updates on our other housing priorities in the budget:- ZERO PUBLIC HOUSING FUNDING- The Assembly had called for $400 million for public housing ($300 million for NYHCA and $100 million outside of NYC). The Senate’s budget proposed $350 million ($250 million for NYHCA and $100 million outside of NYC). Governor Cuomo’s Executive Budget called for $0. At this critical time for public housing in NYC, each level of government must commit resources to restoring living conditions for public housing. See a statement from NYHC and some of the members of the Coalition for Capital Investment to #SAVENYCHA.
- RENTER SOURCE OF INCOME PROTECTIONS ENACTED!– A new statewide standard for discrimination will protect renters who are currently denied housing solely based on their source of income. NYHC is proud to be partners on the successful enactment of this important change to NY State law to expand housing opportunity to renters, 600,000 of whom have some form of supplemental income. We thank our partners in the #BanIncomeBiasNY campaign including the Fair Housing Justice Center and Erase Racism and especially thank Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. for their leadership. See a full statement on this exciting victory.
- NO NEW PREVAILING WAGE REQUIREMENTS– Both the Senate and Assembly proposed new prevailing wage requirements for both construction and building service workers in their one house budget bills. We are grateful that these costly requirements were left out of the budget as they would significantly reduce production of affordable housing. Governor Cuomo has expressed a desire to expand prevailing wage requirements this session but also stated the importance of not impacting affordable housing. We expect our advocacy on this issue will continue into June.
- NEW FORECLOSURE FUNDING– $25 million is provided for housing and foreclosure counseling. With previous funds from AG settlement monies expected to run out, communities and low- and moderate-income homeowners will benefit the extension of these services. NYHC is part of the Coalition for Affordable Homes and a strong supporter of Communities First.
- NEW CENSUS FUNDING– $20 million has been allocated for 2020 Census outreach funding across New York State. This is half of what advocates recommended. Let’s hope it is sufficient as there is much to lose in an undercount- including representation in Congress! NYHC is a proud member of the NY Counts 2020 Coalition.
- RENT LAW ENFORCEMENT FUNDING– The budget provides a total of $64 million for administration and enforcement of rent regulation in New York City, Nassau, Westchester, and Rockland, including funding for an additional 94 staff positions, and $5.5 million for the Tenant Protection Unit (TPU). Dedicated funding for TPU had been blocked by the Republican-controlled Senate in previous years.
- TRANSFER TAX– Instead of a pied a terre tax which was building some political momentum, an enhanced transfer tax on real estate was adopted in the budget. The tax is expected to generate $365 million annually. This funding will go towards critical needs at the MTA. REBNY has produced a helpful chart of the new transfer tax sales categories and tax increases.
- PERMANENT 2% PROPERTY TAX CAP– This was a high priority for the governor. This existing cap was made permanent in the budget.
- PACB BOARD– The Public Authorities Control Board approves the allocation of state-controlled bond cap to affordable housing projects among its other functions. Reacting to the threat of PACB board rejection in the failed Amazon deal, the budget includes the following language sought by the Governor as reported by the WSJ. “A member of the board must vote within the scope of his or her legal authority. The legal authority of a member of the board pursuant to this section is solely to determine whether the issuing authority has demonstrated that there is the commitment of funds sufficient to finance the acquisition and construction of the project subject to approval. Failure of a member to vote within the scope of his or her legal authority constitutes a violation of the public’s trust for the purposes of paragraph h of subdivision three of section seventy-four of the public officers law. As the appointing authority, the governor has the full discretion to immediately remove a member of the board he or she finds to be acting, or threatening to act, beyond the scope of such member’s legal authority set forth herein.”
- HOMELESSNESS– Home Stability Support, a new resource for homeless prevention with support in the Legislature, did not get funded.
With little change from the Executive Budget proposal for housing funding, the chart below shows that Governor Cuomo’s budget priorities were adopted. Besides leaving out public housing capital, the budget also failed to provide $100 million for Mitchell Lamas as proposed by the Assembly. There were also some slight differences in NPP/RPP funding amounts. We are pleased that these community programs received increased funding this year. Since much of the 5-year statewide affordable housing plan received multi-year funding in FY 2018, this budget makes modest increases to resources available to HCR to implement the housing plan.
On March 31st, the New York State Budget for FY 2018-2019 was approved. The $168.3 billion enacted budget includes $250 million in new appropriations for NYCHA. The final budget also included re-appropriated funding for the 5-year Statewide Affordable Housing Program. Last year, Governor Cuomo and the Legislature passed a budget funding a $1.97 billion 5-year affordable housing plan that more than doubled historic capital levels. The re-appropriated funding will allow for the program’s continued implementation and the building of housing units statewide. We would like to thank Governor Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Heastie and Senator Majority Leader Flanagan and all members of the Legislature for their continued support and investment of affordable and public housing in NY. For full details, click here to view NYHC Analysis of NYS 2018-19 Budget. Other budget highlights include:
Additional $250 million NYCHA Capital Investment for Emergency Repairs
This new $250 million allocation combined with $300 million previously appropriated by the State to NYCHA and Mayor de Blasio’s $200 million commitment this year will allow for some substantial progress to be made to restore safe and healthy housing conditions for NYCHA residents. More funding is needed, but we are happy to see the State and City providing this down-payment to remediate some of the emergency conditions at NYCHA.
New NYCHA Oversight Measures by State Statute and Executive Order
The budget amends public housing law section 402d to allow the Governor to enact a oversight plan for the funding, which he did on Monday when he signed an Executive Order creating a new independent monitor, who will oversee the spending of the $550 million that the State has appropriated to NYCHA over the past three years. The monitor’s title will be Independent Emergency Manager and must be unanimously selected by the Speaker of the City Council and the President of the NYCHA Citywide Council of Presidents (CCOP) in consultation with the Mayor within 60 days. If the three stakeholders are unable to come to an agreement in their selection, the City Comptroller would step in and have two weeks to make the appointment. The monitor would create a comprehensive emergency remediation plan and then have 30 days to bid out and select an independent contractor to perform the work. In addition to the State now regulating how its State capital funding is spent, HUD decided last week that it must approve all draw-downs from NYCHA’s federally allocated capital funds. These additional layers of spending oversight could affect the speed of repairs.
Expediting NYCHA Repairs Using Design-Build
The FY 2019 Budget includes design-build authorization for NYCHA’s repairs, the construction of new jails to replace the Rikers Island Jail Complex, and the reconstruction of the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. As a result of design-build authorization, the City will avoid significant delays in construction and will realize savings in excess of $1 billion.
SLIHC/LIHTC Bifurcation and Certification Amendment
The budget added a provision to allow for the bifurcation and certification of State Low Income Housing Credits (SLIHC) and federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) permitting credits to be decoupled allowing investors in a project to transfer state credits independent of federal credits. A taxpayer allowed a state low income housing credit now will be able transfer the credit, in whole or in part, to another person or entity, without regard to how any federal low income housing tax credit may be allocated. Furthermore, the other person or entity would not need to own interest in the eligible low-income project. However, the transfer must be approved by the Commissioner of HCR and a transfer contract be made. This will make SLIHC credits more attractive to investors, which will create additional demand and drive up pricing as competition increases, thereby translating into additional equity for SLIHC projects.
No Temporary Deferral of Affordable Housing Tax Credits including State Low Income Housing Credit (SLIHC), Brownfield and Historic Credits
The Executive Budget had proposed a deferral of the usage of most business credits for tax years 2018 through 2020, where such credits exceed $2 million. This would have negatively impacted credit pricing and caused delays in permanent financing. We are excited to see that the Legislature decided against this proposal.
NY State Tax Code Adjusted to Circumvent Tax Reform’s State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT) Cap
The recently enacted federal tax law has negative fiscal implications for many New Yorkers. By gutting the deductibility of state and local taxes, the law effectively raises middle class families’ property and state income taxes by 20 to 25 percent. New York is fighting back by decoupling the state tax code from the federal and creating two New York charitable contributions funds that New Yorkers can donate to in order to claim a State tax credit equal to 85 percent of the donation amount for that tax year. Also, the State would allow employers to opt-in to a payroll tax that can pass on to its employees to allow them to avoid personal income tax since full State and local tax deductibility for individuals was taken away by tax reform, but it was not for businesses. The IRS could challenge these changes.
Continue the Local Property Tax Relief Credit
The Property Tax Credit, enacted in 2015, will provide an average reduction of $380 in local property taxes to 2.6 million homeowners this year alone. By 2019, the program will provide an additional $1.3 billion in property tax relief and an average credit of $530.
Outreach and a Comprehensive Homeless Services Plan Required from Each Local Social Services District
The FY 2019 Budget requires all local social services districts develop and implement an approved outreach and services plan to address street homelessness.
The New York State Legislature passed a $153 billion FY 2017-2018 budget on April 9th. The spending plan appropriates $2.7 billion for affordable housing including $2.5 billion for a new 100,000-unit, state-wide, 5-year housing plan. NYHC would like to again thank Governor Cuomo, Speaker Heastie, and Majority Leader Flanagan for funding the 5-year housing plan to address the growing affordable housing need across NY State. Through their leadership efforts, NY has shown the rest of the nation how fundamental and critical it is to invest in affordable housing despite being in a period of great federal funding uncertainty. This unprecedented achievement is also a credit to our ongoing advocacy and the strong partnerships between New York housing groups. Congratulations to everyone involved in the fight for the MOU funds!
Last year’s $1.97 billion Housing Plan funds were reappropriated this year and supplemented by $541.5 million in future year capital to create the $2.5 billion Housing Plan funds. Similar to previous years, ongoing HCR programs are funded through the general fund and the Mortgage Interest Fund (MIF). $97 million was appropriated from the general fund for housing programs- some funding levels differ significantly from previous year. The MIF was also tapped for excess reserves for nearly $134 million for housing programs administered by Homes & Community Renewal. MIF funds were also allocated for the following purposes: $1,000,000 for NORC; $1,000,000 for NNORC; $6,522,000 for HHAC; and $12,500,000 for “municipal relief to the City of Albany”. This funding for the City of Albany is a departure from housing-related uses seen in previous years. For full details, see NYHC NYS Housing Program Budget Chart linked here.
Spending Schedule
According to the budget legislation, the appropriation schedule for the $2.5 billion in housing plan funds will provide an average of $543 million annually over the next 4 years. Since capital funds may be rolled over into future fiscal years, it is unclear what the production schedule is for this plan that started a year late.
Housing Plan Programs A full list of all funded housing programs is found in the NYHC NYS Housing Program Budget Chart. Below are programs funded in the $2.5 billion housing plan.
• Supportive Housing– $950 million for the construction of 6,000 supportive housing units throughout the State. With lack of political will to renew the successful city-state NY/NY supportive housing agreements, the State is now independently funding their own supportive housing plan. Supportive housing is proven to save taxpayer dollars by stably housing homeless people with disabilities.
• New Construction– $472 million for new construction or adaptive reuse of rental housing affordable to households that earn up to 60 percent of area median income (AMI). We expect this funding will go towards new housing on state-owned sites, including sites in the “Vital Brooklyn Initiative” investing in Central Brooklyn.
• New York City Housing Authority Capital– $200 million for projects and improvements related at housing developments owned or operated by NYCHA. The FY 2018 budget requires NYCHA funds to have a plan approved by the Director of the Budget, in consultation with NYCHA and DASNY, for the purpose of capital projects and other improvements. NYHC has been a strong advocate for State funding to meet NYCHA’s most pressing capital needs. We hope this funding is released in a timely manner and goes towards critical capital needs such as roof replacement.
• NEW Affordable Housing Preservation– $177 million for substantial or moderate rehabilitation of affordable multi-family rental housing currently under a regulatory agreement. NYHC made recommendations with other housing groups for this “Year-15” type program to ensure we are preserving existing affordable housing.
• Moderate Income Finance Program– $150 million for new construction, adaptive reuse, or reconstruction of rental housing affordable to households that earn between 60% and 130% AMI.
• NEW Senior Housing– $125 million for developing or rehabilitating affordable housing targeted to low-income seniors, aged 60 and above. This new program is a welcome start to building for our aging population. NYHC worked with senior housing advocates to ensure dedicated senior housing funding was part of the statewide housing plan.
• NEW Upstate Public Housing– $125 million for substantial or moderate rehabilitation and/or the demolition and replacement through new construction of public housing authority developments outside of New York City. This funding is critical for PHAs to take advantage of HUD’s RAD program to revitalize public housing across the state. The budget bill also includes tenant protections and notification requirements strengthening provisions in HUD’s RAD program.
• NEW Low Income Affordable Housing Preservation & Development Program– $100 million for the preservation, restoration or creation of affordable housing units in a city with a population of a million or more. Priority will be given to not-for-profits with prior experience in community development projects. This is a new preference for dedicated funding with a non-profit preference.
• Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund (CIF)– $79.5 million for mixed-use affordable housing developments that may include retail, commercial or community development components.
• Mitchell-Lama Rehabilitation– $114.5 million to preserve and improve Mitchell-Lama properties throughout the State.
• NEW Small Building Construction– $62.5 million for rehabilitation and/or the demolition and replacement through new construction of buildings of 5 to 40 units. This is an important program for hard-to-finance buildings and reflects another NYHC priority.
• Homeownership– $41.5 million for promoting homeownership among families of low and moderate income and stimulating the development, stabilization, and preservation of New York communities.
• Mobile and Manufactured Homes– $14 million for mobile and manufactured home programs. New provisions are also established outlining the program’s replacement contract requirements and restrictions, Energy Star mandates, and financial assistance format details.
• NEW Community Restoration Fund– $1 million to facilitate the development of nonprofit community land trusts. This is a new program taking advantage of the potential land trusts have to create affordable rental and homeownership opportunities.
• Main Street Programs– $14.2 million for stimulating reinvestment in properties located within mixed-use commercial districts located in urban, small town, and rural areas of the State.
Additional Transparency Homes & Community Renewal is subject to a new annual Housing Plan reporting requirement. HCR must provide a detailed annual report to the Legislature and Director of the Budget of projects and activities undertaken until the final disbursement of those funds has occurred.
Governor Cuomo and leaders of the NY State Legislature announced a budget deal with significant new funding for affordable housing. New York Housing Conference thanks Governor Cuomo and members of the NY State Legislature for $2 billion in new funding for a comprehensive statewide housing plan to combat housing affordability and homelessness. With big ticket items like minimum wage, paid family leave and income tax breaks being negotiated down to the wire, lawmakers funded a new housing plan but could not reach agreement on details of this new initiative. Therefore, funding will be subject to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Governor, Assembly and Senate. New PACB and ESDC approvals for “volume cap” proposed in the Governor’s Executive were not included in the final budget. This is good news as we believe they would have been detrimental to affordable housing and were advocating to exclude new approvals from the budget. While we don’t have too many details on the Governor’s 100,000-unit, 5-year affordable housing plan, we expect significant budget increases for many existing programs listed in the chart below. We hope Governor Cuomo will release his comprehensive vision for affordable housing preservation and development in New York State in advance of the MOU talks to facilitate discussion around the housing needs of New York State.
Budget Highlights
- More than $1 million in settlement funds have funded housing and homeless programs over the past year since NYHC issued analysis on availability of funds from bank settlements. In this budget, $590 million of the $2 billion in new housing capital is funded by settlement funds. NYHC analysis of accumulated settlements was helpful in establishing the availability of these funds for housing.
- Low Income Housing Trust Fund, Homes for Working Families and the Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund Program all see increases. In addition, significant funding in the new housing plan will be allocated to producing supportive housing as the Governor has committed to 20,000 new units over the next 15 years.
- It is unclear if a new Affordable Senior Housing Program will be funded out of the $2 billion housing plan this year although there certainly was great interest in senior housing in Albany thanks to our advocacy partners who helped us reinforce the need to plan for our State’s growing elderly population.
- Unlike last year, NYCHA has not been appropriated $100 million this year, which we have been advocating to go towards new roofs. Given the financial needs of the housing authority and the serious consequences of mold to tenants’ health, we hope $100 million will be funded out of the $2 billion housing plan to ensure NYCHA buildings are safe and healthy homes for their residents.
Analysis of the fiscal year 2015-16 enacted budget for the state of New York
In the early morning hours of April 1, the NY State Fiscal Year 2016 budget was enacted into law. The record $142 billion budget includes a $5.4 billion bank settlement surplus. Most of the surplus will be used for infrastructure investments and $1.5 billion will fund an economic development program for upstate New York. We are disappointed that none of the $5.4 billion in bank settlement surplus was directed to housing programs and that settlement recommendations specifically outlining uses for $492 million of the funds for housing were ignored. However, overall funding for housing and homeless programs in the FY 2016 budget has increased significantly compared to last year. This is mainly due to the programming of $439 million from a separate JP Morgan settlement, which is required to be spent on housing. Nearly $312 million of this funding was enacted in last year’s budget without agreement on programmatic use. We thank Governor Cuomo and the Legislature for increasing appropriations to housing programs in 2016. Given the extent of New York’s affordability crisis, the New York Housing Conference will actively advocate for a more substantial commitment from New York State in future appropriations to fund housing programs creating new affordable housing opportunities, preserving existing affordable and public housing and strengthening neighborhoods recovering from the foreclosure crisis.
click here for the 2015-16 program funding chart
Housing Program Highlights
$100 Million for NYCHA
Last autumn, the NYHC Advisory Board made preserving public housing one of our top three policy priorities for 2015. We are thrilled that $100 million will support NYCHA’s capital repair needs, improving conditions for existing tenants and preserving public housing for future generations.
New Middle Income Housing
$25 million has been allocated for a new program to support mixed and middle income housing. This new capital program will create units affordable to tenants earning up to 130% AMI. Communities will greatly benefit from enhanced income diversification in affordable housing.
Supportive Housing Programs
Under the $124.5 million listed in the linked chart, $74.5 million has been allocated for a new state-wide supportive housing initiative and $50 million ($10 million per year for five years) for Ofice of Mental Health Supported Housing to help ofset cost increases in scatter-site housing in areas with rapidly escalating fair market rents. While this is a great start, NYHC will continue advocating with the supportive housing community for a larger statewide program. MRT Supportive Housing Program is funded at $254 million over two years. This is a $32 million increase over last year’s funding level, providing service funds, rent subsidies and capital dollars to create supportive housing for high-cost Medicaid recipients. For full analysis of supportive housing funding, please see the Supportive Housing Network of New York analysis linked here.
Homeless Assistance
40 million will fund New York City’s LINC rental assistance programs to get families out of shelters. This sorely needed funding may help reduce New York City’s homeless census of 60,000 New Yorkers. Another $15 million will fund a new homeless prevention pilot. A full analysis of these and other State homeless program funding will be posted here by Coalition for the Homeless in upcoming days.
Analysis of Fiscal Year 2014-15 Enacted Budget for the State of New York
Governor Cuomo and the Legislative leaders reached an agreement over the weekend on the Fiscal Year 2014-15 State Budget, and the various budget bills were being finalized and approved on March 31st as this summary was released. Cuomo once again waived the three-day waiting period required by law to age legislation – clearing the way for the fourth on-time budget in a row. The Budget, which holds spending growth below two percent, provides significant new spending for housing, mostly due to one-time proceeds from a settlement agreement reached by the Attorney General last November. The settlement funds make up over $312 million of the $382.5 million increase for State housing programs over the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Budget. The increased funding includes legislative adds to restore funding cuts to the popular Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Programs and a restoration of funding for the NYCHA Tenant Pilot Protection Program. Summarized below are some of the highlights, followed by a chart showing all funding for State housing programs.
click here for the 2014-15 program funding chart
Housing Program Highlights
Public Protection/General Government Article VII (S.6355-D):
This section of the budget bill amends the State Finance Law by adding a new section 99-v establishing in the joint custody of the State Comptroller and the Commissioner of Tax and Finance a trust and agency fund known as the “Mortgage Settlement Proceeds Trust Fund” to distribute settlement funds. There is a corresponding “Foreclosure Avoidance and Amelioration” appropriation in the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal’s (DHCR’s) Aid to Localities budget in the amount of $312,366,643 that states that such funds will be allocated in accordance with a plan approved in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to be executed by the Division of the Budget, the Assembly and Senate. Under the MOU, the funds can be sub allocated to other agencies; however, $81,500,234 of the monies shall be distributed by the Attorney General. The appropriation sets forth a schedule for how much funding may be drawn down in each fiscal year in accordance with the settlement.
The Health and Mental Hygiene Article VII (S.6358-D/Part K):
This bill expresses concern for the number of children under the age of 18 living in homes headed by grandparent caregivers or other elderly relatives and directs the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) to conduct a Grandparent Housing Study. The study is to look at the scope and scale of the issue as it relates to housing, economic costs, and other factors. The study shall be led by DHCR and shall be done in consultation with the NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS), The NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), and the NYS Office of Aging (SOFA). DHCR must report their findings in 12 months. For services and expenses related to the study $200,000 is provided in the State Operations portion of DHCR’s budget. The Budget continues the House NY program created last year to rehabilitate the State’s remaining Mitchell Lama portfolio which suffers from significant physical deterioration. The 44-project Mitchell Lama portfolio which was moved last year from the Urban Development Corporation to the Housing Finance Agency will benefit from an additional $32 million in FY 2014-15 funding. The Low Income Housing Trust Fund Program benefits from a significant increase, $11.5 million over last year for total program funding of $46.7 million. Funding for the Neighborhood Preservation Companies is restored to $10,073,000 and Rural Preservation Companies to $4,204,000, to bring them back to last year’s levels through a combined appropriation and funding from the Mortgage Insurance Fund.
2013-2014 New York State Housing Budget Analysis
It appears the Fiscal Year 2013-14 New York State Budget will be passed on time this year, although not as early as some had hoped. The Assembly and Senate starting passing bills late last week, but took the weekend to finalize details for the Aid to Localities and Capital spending bills which include funding for most state housing programs. These bills were printed Sunday night and are now “aging” to meet a provision in the New York State Constitution that requires lawmakers to wait three days before voting on new legislation. The Senate is expected to return today and start passing bills this afternoon when they can legally take action on the legislation. The Assembly does not return until this Thursday when they will take up the same bills. According to the bills that have been introduced, the final budget plan includes funding for two new housing initiatives: 1) initial funding to preserve the state’s aging Mitchell Lama portfolio, and 2) the new Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund which will provide grants and loans to help develop commercial and retail space within mixed-use affordable residential developments. These two new initiatives will largely be financed from excess reserves from the Mortgage Insurance Fund (MIF), which proved to be a key source for this housing budget. The legislature will agree to the Governor’s proposal to utilize the excess MIF reserves as a key part of the fiscal plan for 2013-14. This represents a fairly dramatic shift in public policy – changing the source for several of the housing programs within the Aid to Localities budget, from the State’s General Fund to the MIF. The MIF is a division of the State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA). Existing statute allows for excess revenue from the MIF to be returned to the State with SONYMA Board approval, as long as the remaining reserves are sufficient to attain and maintain the State’s credit rating. So in future years when the MIF doesn’t have excess revenue, these programs could be facing an uphill battle to get back into the General Fund.
click here for the 2013-14 program funding chart
According to the plan, the MIF will fund the following this year:
- An amount of $8,479,000 would be provided to support the Neighborhood Preservation Program.
- An amount of $3,539,000 would be provided to support the Rural Preservation Program.
- An amount of $20,400,000 would support rental subsidies for low-income individuals under the federally funded Rural Rental Assistance Program.
- An amount of $17,582,000 would be transferred to HFA to support the refinancing and capital repairs of thirty-six Mitchell Lama affordable housing projects.
- An amount of $3,500,000 to support the new Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund Program.
- An amount of $3,000,000 to support the Low Income Housing Trust Fund Program.
- An amount of $2,000,000 to support the Urban Initiatives Program.
- An amount of $1,500,000 to support the Rural Area Revitalization Program.
- And an amount of $104,000,000 would be transferred to the General Fund.
Housing Program Highlights
Preserving Affordable Housing
The 2013-14 Budget will help Governor Cuomo’s House NY program to get underway with an initial investment of $17,582,000 from the MIF. This funding will go directly to the Housing Finance Agency (HFA) to support the refinancing and capital repairs for some of the State controlled Mitchell Lama portfolio. It is expected that an additional $158 million from the MIF will be available over the next four budget cycles to address some 35 Mitchell Lama projects in total, that suffer from significant physical deterioration. As part of this initiative, the Mitchell-Lama affordable housing asset portfolio will be transferred from Empire State Development to HFA.
Creating New Housing Opportunities
The legislature will create the Rural and Urban Community Investment Fund as part of the 2013-14 Budget with a total of $5,354,000 from the General Fund and the MIF. The Fund will provide grants and loans for the creation and improvement of affordable housing, as well as the commercial, retail and community facilitates related to mixed-use affordable residential developments. The program will have a one-third match requirement and sixty percent of the funds will be allocated to urban projects and 40 percent to rural projects. The new program will be administered by the Housing Trust Fund.
Homeless Housing Assistance Program
The legislature has omitted language in their bills that would have transferred the administration of the Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP) from the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) to the Division of Housing and Community Renewal. Instead, the program remains at OTDA with no change in funding over 2012-13 ($30 million from the Capital Budget).
Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Programs
The legislature did not agree to the Governor’s proposal to merge the Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Programs (N/RPP) into a single, performance based program. In addition, the legislature restored the funding levels for the N/RPP’s to prior year levels. The legislature did not agree to the Governor’s proposal to fund a $5.7 million Tenant Protection Unit within DHCR. The budget will reduce funding for the New York Main Street Program, increase funding for the Low Income Housing Trust Fund, and restore funding for the Rural Area Revitalization and Urban Initiatives Programs. Funding for all other capital programs (Access to Home, Affordable Housing Corporation, Homeless Housing Assistance Program, Homes for Working Families Program, Housing Opportunity Program for Elderly, and Public Housing Modernization Program) will remain at prior year levels. (See chart below).
Other Budget proposals of interest include the following:
The Budget continues the implementation of Medicaid Reform Team (MRT) recommendations, including making additional funding available for affordable housing. The legislature will not enact the Executive’s proposal to limit the powers of a local Industrial Development Authority (IDA) to provide State Sales Tax abatements to local projects. However the agreement will limit the industries to which IDAs can offer State sales and other use benefits to key sectors, in particular excluding retail with certain exemptions. The law will also increase the reporting requirements for IDAs. Source: 2013-14 New York State Executive Budget Education, Labor and Family Assistance, Article VII Legislation [S.2607D/A.3007D], Part K, L and M.
2012-2013 New York State Housing Budget Analysis
NEW YORK (March 29, 2012) – Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Legislature have reached a three way agreement on the FY2012-13 State Budget and the Legislature is poised to pass the final parts of the plan within the next few hours. The new fiscal year begins April 1. The housing part of the Budget is very favorable to supportive housing and the popular nonprofit networks known as the Neighborhood and Rural Preservation Companies. The affordable housing program highlights are below.
Housing Program Highlights
Local Assistance Funding for Affordable Housing:
The final Budget will more than restore full funding to the community based nonprofit organizations under the Neighborhood Preservation Companies program (NPCs) and Rural Preservation Companies program (RPCs). According to the Budget, NPCs will be funded at $10.072 million – this includes a restoration of the $8.479 million cut that had been proposed plus an additional $1.593 million over 2011’s funding level. The RPCs will be funded at $4.204 million – this includes a restoration of the $3.539 million cut that had been proposed plus an additional $665,000 over 2011’s funding level. This is the first increase in funding in five years for these two programs. The Budget will increase funding for the Rural Rental Assistance Program (RRAP) which provides State funded rental subsidies to approximately 4,700 low income occupants of rural housing projects partially financed by the US Department of Agriculture. The program will receive an additional $4.798 million under the new Budget bringing the total appropriation to $19.6 million. The Budget includes an agreement to continue to assist homeowners through the Subprime Foreclosure Prevention Program. The Budget provides $9 million for the continuation of mortgage foreclosure counseling services to be administered by NYS Homes and Community Renewal over the next 6 months until proceeds from the National Mortgage Servicing Settlement Agreement are realized. At that time, additional services will be financed with proceeds from the Settlement Agreement under the administration of the State Attorney General’s office.
Supportive Housing Programs:
Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Supportive Housing Development Program – The Budget includes $60 million for the MRT Supportive Housing Fund. Following the recommendations of the MRT, the budget establishes and funds a new Supportive Housing Development Program that will provide service funding, rent subsidies and capital dollars to create supportive housing for high-cost Medicaid recipients. The new fund will be funded with $60 million of State general funds this year, and $75 million of State general funds in each of the following two years, with funding originating in the NYS Department of Health, to be distributed to HCR, OTDA, OMH, OASAS, OPWDD and the DOH AIDS Institute. It also allows the fund to grow to $150 million annually if the State can convince the federal Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services to provide matching funds. The State’s draft spending plan envisions approximately one-third of this year’s fund going to scattered-site rental and service subsidies, another third going to capital development of supportive housing units at NYS Homes and Community Renewal, and as much as $14.5 million to OTDA Homeless Housing Assistance Program (HHAP) for upstate projects, with the rest going to specific projects including $7 million to provide capital funding for the development of community-based permanent housing for residents of Goldwater/Coler Hospital. Further details will follow in the coming weeks. Community Reinvestment in Supportive Housing – In addition to the $60 million in funding this year, the budget authorizes a new, ongoing community reinvestment vehicle, the Supportive Housing Development Reinvestment Program. This new program will redirect savings achieved by closing nursing home and hospital beds to build and operate new supportive housing in the community for high-cost Medicaid recipients. NYS Supportive Housing Program (NYSSHP) & NYS Solutions to End Homelessness Program (STEHP) – The budget also increases funding for NYSSHP and STEHP by $1.5 million each, a total of $3 million in additional funding to the Homeless Housing and Prevention Services Program.
Capital Budget for Affordable Housing:
The Budget calls for the expansion of the State Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. The Division of Housing and Community Renewal is authorized to allocate an additional $8 million annually in each of the next two years in aggregate credit awards to taxpayers who develop qualifying housing projects for low-income New Yorkers. Credits are given in equal installments for a ten-year period. The Budget also calls for $32.2 million for the Low-Income Housing Trust Fund Program – same as 2011, which provides grants of up to $125,000 per unit to construct or renovate low-income apartment projects. The Budget includes $25 million for the Affordable Home Ownership Development Program – same as 2011, which provides grants of up to $40,000 per unit to construct or renovate homes for low and moderate- income families. The Budget includes $6.4 million for the Public Housing Modernization Program – same as 2011, which subsidizes repairs at 74 State-supervised public housing projects across the State. A total of $400,000 will be reserved for capital activities aimed at reducing illegal drug activities at these projects. The Budget includes $7 million for the Homes for Working Families Program – same as 2011, which combines State funds with other available public and private sector moneys, Federal Low Income Tax Credit proceeds and non-State supported bond funds to construct affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income households. The plan calls for $400,000 for the Housing Opportunities for the Elderly Program (also known as RESTORE) – same as 2011, which provides grants to low-income elderly homeowners for emergency home repairs. The Budget includes $1 million for the Access to Home Program – same as 2011, which provides funding for home adaptations for individuals with disabilities to enable them to continue to live in their own residences and avoid institutional care. The New York Main Street Program, which provides financial resources and technical assistance to communities to revitalize historic downtowns, mixed-use neighborhoods, commercial districts and village centers was increased by $3 million, to $5.2 million. The Budget also funds two programs that have been in existence for many years, but infrequently funded; the Urban Initiatives and the Rural Area Revitalization programs will each be funded at $4 million this year. Both are administered by NYS Homes and Community Renewal.
Mayor Eric Adams released his FY 2026 Preliminary Budget, which included new housing funding agreed to as part of City of Yes and City for All agreement with the City Council and additional funding to combat homelessness. NYC’s investment in housing capital is at a record high.
The budget includes an additional $1 billion in city funding for housing capital, including roughly $825 million for HPD and $175 million for NYCHA as part of the City of Yes and City for All agreements. An additional $1 billion for housing capital for the city was allocated in the governor’s executive proposal detailed above.
Overall, City of Yes and City for All committed to an additional $5 billion, with $1 billion coming from the state. The funding commitment included $2 billion for housing capital and $2 billion for infrastructure and additional expense funding for various programs.
Next year’s capital budget allocates most capital funding for new construction of affordable housing – $1.1 billion, along with $875 million for HPD funding for RAD / PACT, $585 million for special needs housing and $491 million for preservation of affordable housing. The City’s capital budget allocates $1.1 billion to NYCHA for repairs and rehab of public housing.
The City’s capital budget for housing programs decreases dramatically in the outyears, going from $3.3 billion for HPD in 2026 and $1.1 billion for NYHCA, then decreases to $1.9 billion for HPD in the outyears and down to less than $500 million in 2027 and roughly $200 million in the following years for NYCHA. We remain concerned about this declining and inadequate funding in future years and will report on this in more detail in the future.
The expense budget adds funding from the City of Yes and City for All agreement for additional staffing at HPD, DOB and DCP. According to NYHC analysis, this budget adds funding for 153 additional positions at the three agencies (HPD – 77; DOB – 66; DCP – 10). The budget also adds $550,000 for additional staffing at the Commission on Human Rights, including enforcement staffing for housing discrimination enforcement. The expense budget also adds $7.6 million per year for the Anti-Tenant Harassment Protection program.
NYHC is continuing to dig into the budget to track and compare the proposed spending against all the promises made in City for All.
To combat homelessness, the mayor’s proposed budget includes roughly $45 million per year starting next year to add 900 new Safe Haven beds, which are a type of shelter with fewer requirements and help people move from being unsheltered into shelter and housing. The budget also adds $6 million per year to add 100 Runaway and Homeless Youth beds and more than $70 million per year for additional street outreach and sheltering support.
The budget also includes $554 million this year for additional shelter costs due to rising shelter census and $325 million this year for CityFHEPS rental assistance.
The FY 2025 adopted budget will include a $2 billion increase in housing capital funding.
The New York Housing Conference helped achieve a huge budget win after producing analysis showing production will drop by 32% if $1 billion is not added this year. We are thrilled that the final budget allocates $1 billion for housing capital in FY25 and $1 billion in FY26 to maintain production and preserve public housing.
The final budget includes about an additional $350 million per year for NYCHA and $650 million per year for HPD. Allocations for capital programs that received increases are in the table below.
See the adopted four-year city capital budgets for HPD below.
See the adopted four-year city capital budgets for HPD below.
Expense Budget
In the fall, Mayor Adams had planned to make three rounds of 5% cuts to city agencies – in November, January (preliminary budget) and April (executive budget). But after the first two rounds of cuts, Mayor Adams said he would not make a third round. According to our review, the first two rounds of cuts to housing agencies appeared to have little impact on housing services.
While the executive budget does not include cuts, the budget does show savings from lower costs for services for asylum seekers. The Human Resources Administration is showing savings of $4 million in the current year (FY2024), the Department of Homeless Services is showing savings of $267 million this year and $56 million next year (FY2025) and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development is showing savings of $8 million this year and $7.5 million next year.
The executive budget also shows increases for the Department of Homeless Services, including $312 million in higher shelter costs this year. It also shows an increase at HRA to finally appropriately budget for the CityFHEPS rental assistance program. In past budgets, the city significantly underbudgeted for CityFHEPS, adding money in the middle of the fiscal year to account for actual spending. In this budget the city is adding $614.9 million next year and $540 million in future years for CityFHEPS. According to the NYC Independent Budget Office, the city spent $499 million on CityFHEPS in FY 2023.
NYHC continues to track staffing levels at HPD, DHS and HRA and we remain concerned about low staffing at HRA and DHS. Both agencies continue to have staffing levels that are far less than before the pandemic. DHS currently has a headcount of 1,809, which is nearly 450 fewer people on staff than in December 2019. Meanwhile HRA has a headcount of 10,982, more than 1,500 fewer people on staff than before the pandemic. HPD however continues to have more staff than before the pandemic – with a headcount of 2,443, slightly higher than the 2,405 before the pandemic.
Understaffing at HRA and DHS, critical agencies to helping New Yorkers get benefits, shelter, and stable housing, is a concern and we continue to call on these agencies to have sufficient staffing.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the City Council approved the FY 2024 budget. The adopted budget includes the PEGs (budget cuts) proposed in previous plans as well as program funding outlined by the Council each year (find details here).
Next year’s budget includes $4 billion in city housing capital for HPD and NYCHA (this funding amount was first proposed in the April executive budget). United for Housing called for this level of funding as one our main recommendations and Mayor Adams promised this funding as a candidate. However, housing capital funding is less in subsequent years: $2.75 billion in FY2025; $2.25 billion in FY 2026; and $2.07 billion in FY2027.
We thank our partners and the New York City Council for advocating for robust housing funding. Given the severity of the housing crisis, a minimum of $4 billion is needed each year for housing capital to build and preserve affordable housing.
The adopted operating budget ads $262 million for the CityFHEPS program for FY2024, with $123 million to support eliminating the 90-day rule (shelter residents must be in shelter for 90 days before getting FHEPS) in shelters.
The city has also added $40 million next year to support wage increases for contracted human services providers. However, this is less than the $200 million that the Human Services Council and other organizations had called for to provide COLAs to human services workers.
Mayor Eric Adams increased capital funding for housing by $5 billion over ten years in his fiscal year 2023 budget. While this does represent historic funding for housing, this increase is less than the Mayor promised during the campaign and less than is needed. This new funding will bring total housing capital spending up to roughly $2.5 billion per year, far short of the $4 billion called for by United for Housing and supported by Eric Adams when he was a candidate for mayor.
The additional spending is split – $3.6 billion will go to HPD, $1.2 billion for NYCHA’s PACT program, and $200 million for NYCHA repairs at Gowanus and Wyckoff houses, the latter of which was agreed to by former Mayor Bill de Blasio as part of the Gowanus neighborhood rezoning.
Over the first five years (FY2022-FY2026) HPD’s capital budget increased by $1.4 billion, nearly $350 million per year from 2023 – 2026 (no money was added in FY2022, the fiscal year that is currently ending). Most of this increase was the $1.2 billion allocated for NYCHA PACT conversions at roughly $300 million per year.
During the first five years only $200 million was added to increase HPD capital programs, all of it added in FY2025, with $92 million for ELLA, $52 million for PLP, $30 million for supportive housing, $10 million each for the Mix and Match and Open Door programs, $4 million for supportive housing rehab and $2 million more for the HomeFix program.
The bulk of the new money for HPD capital – $3.4 billion of the $3.6 billion, not counting NYCHA PACT – therefore is allocated in the last half of the ten year plan, fiscal years 2027 – 2031. The administration added $745 million in FY 2027 and $660 million each year thereafter.
Over the final five years (2027-2031), that funding is allocated in total accordingly:
- $1.56 billion for ELLA
- $880 million for PLP
- $507.8 million for supportive housing new construction
- $169 million for Open Door
- $169 million for Mix and Match
- $67.7 million for supportive housing rehab
- $33.8 million for HomeFix
City capital spending for NYCHA mainly represents existing financial commitments secured by the Federal Monitor Agreement. City capital spending for NYCHA will increase a total of $200 million total over the next four years – accounting for the increased spending for Wyckoff and Gowanus houses. That money is allocated to NYCHA in FY2023 ($20 million) and FY2024 ($180 million). As mentioned the $1.2 billion supplementing PACT will pass through HPD’s budget.
Before the increase, the City budgeted $2 billion on average for HPD and NYCHA capital total per year. With the additional funding, total housing capital spending will be roughly $2.5 billion per year.
United for Housing, the coalition led by the New York Housing Conference with 90 organizations that developed consensus housing, called for the city to double housing investment to $4 billion per year.
While we are encouraged that Mayor Adams has increased housing spending at all, this is simply not enough to address the housing crisis and is far less than he promised on the campaign trail. Inflation and rising interest rates will absorb nearly all of the new capital budget for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD). The 30 year fixed rate mortgage has increased to 5.11 percent, nearly double from a low of 2.65 percent early last year while multifamily residential construction costs have increased 7.8 percent over the past 12 months. The increased funding will likely result in the same number of new units already in the pipeline.
At NYCHA, the new money simply maintains the ongoing PACT program and funds a commitment made by the former mayor and will not repair or rehabilitate an additional home than was already planned. NYCHA has $40 billion in repair needs and the city and state need to step up and dedicate at least what advocates are calling for – $1.5 billion each per year.
Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled the preliminary version of his last budget. The $92.3 billion budget is almost $3 billion less than the current year’s budget and had to close a $5.25 billion gap, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and the related recession. However, there is good news for housing production in New York City in the budget.
The preliminary plan increased the current FY 2021 HPD capital budget to $1.43 billion, $233 million more than the budget before the pandemic. The budget for FY 2022 is $1.45 billion, $193 million more than it was before the pandemic.
Last year, de Blasio cut $1 billion from HPD’s capital budget over two years. Last fall, he restored more than $450 million of that cut in the current year’s budget after New York Housing Conference showed that the cuts saved little money in the expense budget but cost the city thousands of units of housing.
However, the cut to last year’s budget – $583 million – went through. The additional funding in the current and next year’s budget restore roughly $425 million of last year’s cut. We estimate that these additional funds will allow HPD to produce an additional 7,300 units total over the two years.
We are encouraged to see this funding added back this year and next year. We have long argued that housing capital spending is an efficient way for the city to engage in stimulus spending, and the city desperately needs stimulus right now.
There were few changes in the expense budget for HPD. Given the city’s strained fiscal situation from the pandemic, HPD saw minor cuts in their budget as part of the city’s savings program. HPD is saving 945,000 this year and $1.6 million next year in the Department of Neighborhood Preservation and $500,000 this year for owner outreach, both by leveraging federal funding. They are also seeing $121,000 in savings this year in hiring and attrition for management. In good news, in the current year HPD was given $1.8 million for “new needs” including $350,000 for legal needs and $300,000 for temporary staff, both for development, as well as $700,000 for “ERP and AEP floodplain” and $461,000 for three-quarter housing programs needs.
Mayor Bill de Blasio released his fiscal year 2021 budget proposing $89.3 billion in spending, $8.1 billion less than the current 2020 budget and $6 billion less than the mayor’s preliminary budget plan for 2021 that he released in January before the health crisis took hold.
The city is expecting $2.2 billion less in revenue in 2020 and $5.2 billion less in 2021 compared to the preliminary budget that he released in January, due to a decline in the sales tax, the hotel tax, personal income tax, and business taxes, all due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mayor de Blasio proposed $2.1 billion in cuts (called PEGS – Program to Eliminate the Gap – in city budget speak), with education funding particularly hard hit. The city is also using $4 billion in reserves over this year and next year. You can find a summary of the budget in the mayor’s press release here or all of the budget documents here.
The city has been spending additional money to fight the coronavirus, spending more than $700 million so far this year and they project to spend a total of $3.5 billion by the end of the calendar year.
- HPD Capital Cut- This year’s capital commitment plan provides $741 million for HPD, $450 million less than the preliminary plan and a 38 percent cut from the $1.2 billion planned in January. The money is added back to future year’s capital plans, adding $350 million each year in fiscal years 2022 – 2024, although this cannot be relied on given the economic uncertainty caused by Covid-19. Capital supports 300,000 units by 2026 through new construction ($256.6 million); special needs housing ($251.6 million); preservation finance ($168.3 million) and disposition ($62.1 million) programs; and funding for technology, infrastructure, demolition and other ancillary investments ($2.8 million).
- NYCHA Capital: $429.6 million will fund upgrades to building exteriors and systems, including roof work and mold remediation, boiler replacements, decoupling heat and hot water, heating controls, and other general capital maintenance.
The city is confident that they will still meet their plan’s goals given the record production in recent years, but this is a big hit to next year’s capital budget. Although money is added into future years, that funding is uncertain given the ongoing health and economic crisis. We will also be looking to see how other changes brought on by the recession affect housing production, including the decreasing value of the 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit.
Here are the major savings proposed to the housing and homelessness agencies’ operating budgets:
- HPD saves $1.1 million through a hiring freeze in total over this year and next year
- HPD also cut $10 million in non-personnel costs
- HPD savings will affect two programs:
- Basement Apartment Conversion Pilot Program will see a cut of $1.09 million
- Landlord Ambassador Program will see a cut of $503,000
- The Department of City Planning cut $1.15 million this year and next through a hiring freeze, attrition and delayed hiring
- DHS is saving $35 million in hotel costs and $25 million in security costs each year starting this year
- There is also a $20 million cut in the DSS operating budget to supportive housing next year, though so far this does not appear to significantly affect programs.
The mayor’s budget also includes forecasts for the housing market that point to some tough times ahead. In the report, the city projects that the local housing market will soften further after two weak years, with sales volume decreasing in 2020 and with a rebound in 2021 but a full recovery will be years away. The city also projects that the weaker housing market will slow construction, with new permitted units decreasing by half to 12,000 in 2020 (down from 26,000 in 2019, the second highest in a decade) and slowly returning to 17,000 units by 2024.
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled an $89 billion executive budget proposal for fiscal year 2019 last Thursday. The latest executive budget proposal reflects a net spending increase of $390 million from the Mayor’s preliminary budget released in February and a $3.82 billion total increase from last year’s adopted budget. The Mayor added an additional $20 million allocation over the next two fiscal years for NYCHA to help reduce a 50,000 work order backlog for repairs to apartments and common areas, such as plastering and carpentry. This $20 million is in addition to the $200 million he promised to replace boilers and upgrade heating systems at 20 NYCHA developments earlier this year. This executive budget proposal will now serve as the foundation for negotiation with the City Council before the July 1st budget deadline.In February, NYHC and other housing groups called on Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo to each commit at least $250 million in capital this year to NYCHA as a downpayment in a long term capital plan in a letter linked here. With $250 million already in the State budget, we hope the Council will negotiate an increase in the City’s capital budget to meet this goal of a combined $500 million from the City & State this year. More importantly, we need the City and State to come together in addressing solutions to preserve public housing in a long-term capital and management plan that will address the underlying challenges facing NYCHA’s delivery of property management services and building upgrades.
Analysis of New York City 2018 Budget
On June 2nd, Mayor De Blasio and the City Council reached an agreement on the FY 2018 budget, an $85.2 billion spending plan, which represents a 3.7% increase over the previous year’s adopted budget. It has been lauded as the earliest the city has reached a budget agreement since 1992. The budget commits $1.9 billion in new Capital funding for the development to increase the affordability levels for up to 10,000 apartments of the 200,000 planned units in the Mayor’s 10-year housing plan (Housing New York), which was released in 2014. The plan’s goal is to develop 80,000 new housing units and preserve 120,000 units to meet the needs of more than 500,000 City residents. The new commitment will dedicate the resources to allow 10,000 more Extremely Low-Income households to afford housing constructed under the Mayor’s Plan, of which 5,000 will be dedicated to seniors and 500 units will house veterans. This increases the projected share of units reserved for New York ELI households from 20% (40,000) to 25% (50,000). The additional HPD funding will be allocated to the Extremely Low & Low-Income Affordability Program (ELLA) and the Senior Affordable Rental Apartments Program (SARA), among others. The budget also includes $25 million in property tax exemptions for war veterans, which is estimated will save an average of $443 per person annually. Furthermore, the City Council has notably committed to providing:
- $11.2 million to HPD’s annual operating budget to support various housing initiatives, including tenant advocacy and education, code enforcement advocacy, housing court assistance, and other housing-related public education.
- $255,000 to DCA’s operating budget for financial empowerment support for tenants.
- $77 million towards unprecedented universal access to free legal services for tenants facing eviction in housing court. At full implementation, the City’s investment in anti-eviction legal services will total $155 million by Fiscal 2022.
Regarding Public Housing, earlier this year in January, the Mayor committed to $1 billion in City Capital over 10 years to fix 729 NYCHA roofs benefiting 120,000 residents. This is in addition to the administration’s previous funding commitments to NextGeneration NYCHA’s 10-year strategic action plan, which had been unveiled in 2015. This additional capital will not only fund the replacement of roofs and parapets, but it will also help to substantially reduce mold, which can be detrimental to the health of residents.
Analysis of City of New York 2017 Preliminary Budget
Last week, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced his preliminary 2017 fiscal year budget for New York City. The budget which totals $82.1 billion funds the Mayor’s promise to raise the minimum wage for city workers and provides additional support to combat homelessness. In particular, the Mayor is calling for additional FY2017 investments of $8 million for a Shelter Repair Squad 2.0; $12.3 million to move New Yorkers out of illegal, unsafe, and unstable housing to permanent homes; $4 million for “Homebase” Prevention to double the number of single adults at risk of homelessness assisted to stay in their homes; $16.9 million for adult shelter programming to help over 10,000 clients find employment; and $12.5 million to operate the first of 15,000 new supportive housing units. The Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) will also receive funding for expanded staff capacity to implement the 200,000-unit Housing New York plan and participate in homeless shelter and three quarter housing inspections as follows:
- New HPD Staff– The addition of 80 positions (in various offices including Development, the Office of Neighborhood Strategies, Technology and Strategic Development, and Asset & Property Management) and $6.8 million in city tax levy funding to support the continued success of Housing New York.
- The addition of 10 positions to implement the Local Law #462 Elevator Repair Program. The program will officially rollout in FY17. A total of $6.5 million in FY2017 will be tax levy but the remaining program funding will be covered with Community Development Block Grant funding (CDBG).
- Funding to cover the HPD’s participation in the DHS Shelter Inspection Task Force. Since May, HPD has been part of the Shelter Repair Squad, working with other City agencies to identify and address problems in the City’s homeless shelters. Mayor de Blasio recently announced a new inspection, repair, and capital improvement plan – Shelter Repair Squad 2.0 – to promote the long-term sustainability of emergency shelter housing, greatly expanding HPD’s role in the effort.
- The addition of 4 positions and $7.8 million to support the continued inspection and relocation of individuals impacted from the three quarter house initiative.
Analysis of New York City 2016 Budget
The 2016, $78.5 billion, budget for the City of New York was enacted on Friday. Congratulations to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito for a budget that supports affordable housing. Following through on Mayor de Blasio’s promised investment of more than $7 billion in City funds for affordable housing over 10 years, an increase in City capital has been strategically allocated to support the development of 80,000 new construction units and the preservation of 120,000 across the 5 boroughs.
Local investment in affordable housing is $7.45 billion in capital, which is comprised of $7.1 billion from City Capital, $279 million in HOME and $75 million in Reso A over 10 years. City Capital must account for any reductions of federal HOME and CDBG funds stemming from anticipated federal cuts and transfers to other City agencies. HPD’s budget also includes the following new additions and changes:
- $64M-New funding for 450 homeless set aside units in the Extremely Low and Low-Income Affordability Program (ELLA). This capital funding will be used to supplement existing per unit subsidy outlined in term sheets.
- $5M-New funding to support the ¾ Houses Task Force. These expense funds primarily pay for shelter and Emergency Repair Program (ERP) funding.
- $18M-A capital transfer to HRA will create a new HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program for 1,250 homeless families.
- $3M-Pays for HPD housing inspections and provision of temporary shelter related to East Village gas explosion.
- $5.6M-Funds about 74 positions across HPD. Agency headcount was reduced by almost 25% from 2008-2014 but it on the rise again to support an ambitious housing plan.
NEW SERVICES IN SENIOR HOUSING In Mayor de Blasio’s State of the City early this year, a 10,000-unit senior housing program was announced. A new item in this budget, and one that NYHC has been advocating for with partners at LiveON NY, is a program to fund on-site services for seniors. This funding is needed to allow seniors to age in place and also support the new homeless set aside requirement in the Senior Affordable Rental Apartments (SARA) program.
- $750M-New expense funding will provide service contracts for 500 units of senior housing per year for just 5 years. The expense budget is only a 5-year financial plan so they are not able to provide 10-years of funding to match the housing plan. This new program is great news and we are awaiting information on how the funds will be implemented as they are expected to be administered by the Department for the Aging (DFTA).
To support an increase of affordable housing production at a time when City-owned land is scarce and land costs are high, significant investment in infrastructure is being made to aid development and improve communities.
- $586M-For projects that will “unlock” housing opportunities including sites in the Southwest Bronx and Hunter’s Point South. Funds will also be used for roads and sewers and to create or improve parks and open space etc.
- $512M-New Affordable Housing Fund will be dedicated to infrastructure investments required to make potential development sites viable.
- $750K-New EDC Acquisition Fund to acquire mixed-use sites.
- $700M-New Neighborhood Development Fund will focus on community infrastructure and help balance community needs especially in the case of upzonings.
- $330M-New sewer infrastructure.
NYCHA NYCHA receives significant local investment this year as outlined below. Additional funding from City Council and Borough Presidents is also provided in the budget but we don’t have a breakdown yet.
- $100M-New capital funds for roof repair, matching a new State capital contribution this year.
- $3M-Funding for senior centers.
- $30M-Representing payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) forgiveness