Organization Name: Dunn Development Corp. / L+M Development Partners, Inc. / Pratt Area Community Council
Project Title: Navy Green
Project Location: Wallabout, Brooklyn
Project Goals:
Guided by the local community's vision for the site, Navy Green's developers collaborated with city and state agencies and private funders to transform a formerly underutilized, industrial block that once housed the Navy Brig into a vibrant mixed-income and mixed-use community. The Navy Green concept included building off of neighborhood assets - a thriving mixed income population - while responding to the community's need for affordable housing, open space, retail services, and homeownership opportunities. At the outset of the process, the development team outlined five principal goals that shaped the design of Navy Green:
1. Create a sense of place that responds to and builds upon neighborhood strengths and needs;
2. Foster integration within buildings, among project uses, and with the surrounding community;
3. Maximize units and affordable housing opportunities;
4. Activate Flushing Avenue; and
5. Design an environmentally sustainable development.
Project Description:
Navy Green is a $146 million new construction project consisting of 433 residential units in four multi-family buildings and 23 single family townhomes all organized around a 32,000 sf common green that is shared by residents and includes a children's play area, open lawn, patios and landscaped gardens. The project includes an innovative mix of supportive housing, rental apartments and homeownership units serving low, moderate, middle and high income households along with formerly homeless persons with psychiatric disabilities. In designing Navy Green, the developers chose integration over segregation and the common green and its amenities are shared by all residents, formerly homeless and market rate alike. The developers also chose open spaces over parking spaces, and in lieu of car parking, indoor bike parking was incorporated in all buildings. Navy Green also includes 7,000 sf of continuous retail space along Flushing Avenue to activate the streetscape and revitalize the corridor.
Community Impact:
Navy Green has had a catalytic and transformative impact on the local Wallabout community. The project site once housed the "Brig", a former naval prison with an imposing structure that fragmented a neighborhood already separated from the surrounding community by the elevated BQE and boxed in by the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Navy Green has reconnected the neighborhood, becoming a new center of the community and spurring new residential and retail development in the immediate area. Navy Green's revitalization of Flushing Ave has paved the way for the development of a 60,000 sf food court and collaboration hub in the Navy Yard's Building 77 to be open to the public directly across Flushing Ave from Navy Green, providing a new connection from the community to the Navy Yard. At the same time, Navy Green has provided an exciting new model for neighborhood redevelopment that incorporates homeowner, rental and supportive housing serving a wide range of incomes in a sustainable, green development.
Organization Description:
Dunn Development Corp. is a socially conscious, award-winning real estate developer with expertise in affordable and supportive housing. DDC has developed 30 projects consisting of over 2,700 residential units with development costs of nearly $750 million. Our mission is to build the highest quality affordable housing for low and middle-income New Yorkers, including those with special needs.
L+M Development Partners, Inc. has been an innovator in developing quality affordable, mixed-income and market rate housing, while improving the neighborhoods in which it works. L+M is responsible for more than $4 billion in development and more than 15,000 high-quality residential units.
Pratt Area Community Council is an award-winning non-profit with an impressive track-record of affordable housing in Brooklyn neighborhoods. PACC has developed more than 600 units of housing in more than 65 buildings, including multifamily apartment buildings, 17 retail stores, and community facility space.
Thank you for viewing NYHC's Community Impact Gallery. Please note: NYHC does not own or manage any property. If you have any questions about a specific building, please contact the project team listed. To apply for affordable housing opportunities, see or

All residents share the 32,000 sf common green

7 Clermont Avenue: mixed-income rental apartments

Retail space activates dormant Flushing Avenue

The common green accommodates many different uses