Organization Name: Enterprise Community Partners
Project Title: Enterprise Homes Plus (EHP)
Project Location: Lower East Side, South Bronx, East Harlem
Project Goals:
The goal of Enterprise Homes Plus is to help ensure the long-term housing stability for affordable housing residents by connecting them to services in their neighborhoods. Enterprise works in close partnership with landlords throughout New York City and we work directly with residents through our Come Home NYC program. We know from this work that a meaningful segment of affordable housing residents have some level of service need to ensure housing stability. Meanwhile, many community-based organizations throughout the City provide the type of quality services that residents and landlords are seeking, but there is no systematic way for residents to connect to these resources, or for housing owners to facilitate service connections. In response to this need, Enterprise is working closely with affordable housing owners and forging new partnerships with service providers to connect residents to appropriate resources in their neighborhoods. These partnerships will form the basis for EHP.
Project Description:
EHP is a partnership-based neighborhood support system for affordable housing residents comprised of local community-based organizations, housing providers and residents. EHP will be powered by a mobile-based tool that connects residents to existing services and opportunities in their neighborhood. This tool allows residents to access information and services, and facilitates real time communication between residents, service providers and affordable housing owner/operators. The types of services offered through Enterprise Homes Plus include, but are not limited to, employment assistance/career advancement, financial counseling, adult education/job training and child care. This tool can be used by affordable housing owner/operators or social service coordinators to connect residents with local services or it can be a self-servicing tool used by residents themselves.
Community Impact:
While there is a spectrum of need within the affordable housing resident population, ranging from simply needing access to housing to requiring supportive housing services, many experience some degree of housing instability. Enterprise conducted resident focus groups which found that availability and accessibility of resources can give residents the additional support they need to stay stably housed. However, many participants were not aware of the services in their neighborhood. EHP fills this gap and eliminates the need for residents to conduct a time-intensive search for service providers. With the tenant’s permission, property managers can connect tenants with EHP or residents can connect themselves to a local service provider when they need additional support. Our vision is that the positive resident outcomes that result from these connections will lead to greater community stability.
Organization Description:
Enterprise’s mission is to provide opportunity for low- and moderate-income people through affordable housing in diverse, thriving communities. We raise and leverage financial resources, shape policy, and provide programs to help communities create and preserve safe, healthy, and affordable homes. We also work to ensure that housing connects people to other resources critical to success, like transportation, quality schools, and health care services.
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