The Yes to Housing Coalition is holding a rally at City Hall on the morning of October 22nd to demonstrate the extensive support for City of Yes, and urge legislators to advance the full City of Yes package. We want to show momentum with over 100 supporters at our rally – please let us know if we can count on you and your organization! Email 

Following the rally, the City Council Zoning Subcommittee will hold a public hearing. This is the single most important date to show support for City of Yes. After this hearing, the Council will negotiate on the final package for the City of Yes, before voting, likely in mid-November, and advancing it to a final vote of the full Council. We need to ensure the zoning package remains intact and impactful.

Please register to testify at the hearing! We need to make sure as many positive voices as possible are heard by the Council. To help us plan, please let us know if you’ve registered.

Thank you all for your tireless advocacy over the past months in support of City of Yes and a more affordable New York City. The vast majority of New Yorkers support City of Yes and need this legislation to pass – we must continue to make their voices heard.