The New York Daily News published an Op-Ed by Rachel Fee calling on federal leaders to protect $330 billion of housing funding in the federal Build Back Better reconciliation package. Rachel said this is a historic opportunity and may be our last chance to start addressing our housing and homelessness crisis.

Because negotiations over the Build Back Better plan involve progressives, moderate Democrats and the White House, it is easy to get swept up in traditional horserace political coverage over which camp will emerge victorious — but that narrative obscures the potentially transformative impact of the plan.

In fact, the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package includes a historic $330 billion investment in America’s housing infrastructure. An investment of that size is virtually unprecedented in American history. If Congress fails to act on housing now, it may be years or even decades before they get a similar chance to stabilize hundreds of thousands of households, grow the economy and lay the foundation for a more equitable society. In fact, any delay at all likely means America’s housing crisis will become too big to solve. It is now or never.

Read the Op-Ed here.